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Responses: 14
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
This is exactly why we have a do nothing government. The very nature of democracy is working together to come up with solutions for the good of everyone. Of course people from different parties aren't going to agree on many issues but when there are major issues that need legislative action members of Congress need to work with each other and compromise to resolve that issue. Ryan's my way or the highway attitude is good for no one and definitely not the way the Speaker of the House should be acting. If he's not willing to work with the other side to resolve the issues facing the country, he needs to be removed from his position of leadership; he's certainly not leading by refusing to even discuss issues with Democrats.
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SN Keagan Miller
Seriously, Congress has passed fewer and fewer bills every year for the last 8 years because of stupid partisan politics. It's really our fault too, as we as a society have become more and more partisan. We don't get outside our bubbles to hear what others believe and why. If we want to get a better government, we have to start listening to each other and compromise. This Us vs Them mentality has to go!
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SPC Saundra Teater
This is why I'm thinking of changing parties. I don't want to think that all republicans now in power are more concerned with not letting democrats win anything than what is good for all Americans. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't democrats do the same when they held the majority? So when are any of elected officials going to remember that government is more than just power. Who has the most. Everyone in DC needs to let their egos go and start the actual work of governing for the best
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
>1 y
Thats why I became an NPA. Of course the downside is that I now get mail from everybody as nobody can count on my vote and has to earn it everytime.
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