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Responses: 6
CPT Jack Durish
Sadly, President Trump has entered the swamp. Bipartisanship simply doesn't exist. Compromise is an illusion. Don't you get lost there too. Can you name one compromise in American history that was good for America and its citizens? I can, just one. The Great Compromise (having a bicameral Congress with one chamber to represent the people proportionately, and the other to represent the states equally). Other than than, compromise has been bad for America. The Missouri Compromise? We'll allow slavery here but not there? How is that good. And don't look for bipartisanship between two ideological camps. Once upon a time, both Democrats and Republicans sought the same goals differing only on method. Those days are gone. We now have two camps warring over the goals. Sadly, representatives of the Left exist in both parties. The Right is on the fringes. I honestly don't think Trump is an ideologue and thus comes to the gun fight with a pointy stick.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish Thank you for your incite Jack.
LTC Laborer
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SGM Steve Wettstein - ... as well as for his insight! Couldn't resist ... particularly since there is a bit of both in his comment. Reqards - JGW
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SSgt Robert Marx
Pres. Trump has been acting more presidential of late. It helps for him to get off Twitter. I support him and want success for him and for America.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
SSgt Robert Marx I totally agree. He acts like a 12 year old on Twitter and needs to grow up when Tweeting and have someone proof it before hand.
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SGT Cort Landry
I think he has done quite well in some aspects and in others when he listens to the establishment, not so much. Ryan's bill was destined to fail. I am not one for conspiracy theories but Ryan's bill was put forth to make Trump's Administration look bad. They all knew it wouldn't go thru but Trump being Trump, he figured he could do the "Art of the Deal" and persuade the naysayers to vote yes.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
>1 y
SGT Cort Landry I agree, Ryan's bill was crap.
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