Posted on Mar 25, 2017
Sean Hannity Knows Who to Blame if Trumpcare-Ryancare Fails
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
Looks Like a Bunch of Idiots Slinging Mud and again as usual Not a Damn thing getting Done ... Maybe the Congress Critters should be brought down to the Peoples Level and Have to rely on BHO's ACA ... If that Happens the ACA would Be Fixed Monday Morning...
Looks Like a Bunch of Idiots Slinging Mud and again as usual Not a Damn thing getting Done ... Maybe the Congress Critters should be brought down to the Peoples Level and Have to rely on BHO's ACA ... If that Happens the ACA would Be Fixed Monday Morning...
SFC (Join to see)
Exactly. Made these a-holes who've exempted themselves from this "great program" they've forced us into participate in it. Just like fixing social security. I'm tired of the "it's for you thee but not for me" legislating.
SPC Kevin Ford
Self interest certainly helps. Unfortunately, the rest of us deal with a system that has he best care money can buy and they can buy it. The ACA is a sh!tstorm for people in a certain income range but they are not in that range so it may not provide the right pressure.
Dude is a mouth piece for his agenda. Posting this is like posting crap from CNN. a waste of time and energy.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SFC Dave Beran Touche'. I posted this due in part to how easily it seems for some Republicans to turn on each other instead of, much like NCOs and Officers have to do, learning from their mistakes and improving upon them.
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