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Responses: 9
MSgt Michael Bischoff
Crap is what you get when politicians decide how to treat medical issues. That is across the board!
ACA works, but has issues. The AHCA never would have worked as POTUS promised.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Obamacare was unsustainable from the word go. The fact we need "Navigators" to help us get through all the bureaucratic red tape ought to tell you something. And how do you save money by introducing more layers of bureaucracy and overseers to oversee the overseers?
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Sgt Bruce C.
Trump said if it did help the American people, then he wouldn't sign it and now he is backing a bigger POS than Obama care.
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
>1 y
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
The gub'ment should not be involved in providing healthcare. It never does anything cheaper than the private sector. It should merely ensure a level playing field for competition and let the market work itself out. As for those with pre-existing conditions, it may be able to step in and provide aid to them to help them out and that would be cheaper than this one size fits all proposition that is nothing but a shiny turd that came out of Obama.
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MSgt James Mullis
Edited >1 y ago
Even Trump has walked away from the Ryan Bill and I don't blame him! Obamacare is about to implode and die on its own and Trump will not be the one to blame. The Democrats passed Obamacare with a time bomb that is set to go off on the American people in 2018. Both the republicans and democrats have had a chance to fix it but have not. The blame will fall on the obstructionists in both parties at the coming mid term elections.

SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - Likely they will but they are in the same legislative pickle they have been for several years. Turns out parts of the ACH are really popular and some of the Republican party wants to fix it and not face the political fallout. The other part, the Tea Party backed group, wants to get rid of it entirely. It's a hard bridge to gap.

If Trump were really the deal maker he would get the part of the Republicans party that want to fix it together with the Democrats and they could get legislation passed. But I guess we don't do bi-partisan work anymore.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
MSgt James Mullis - to be bi-partisan you have to treat each other with respect Trump does not appear capablest of even pretending to do that that even with his own party. Idiotic BS like trying to blame the majority parties inabilty to get a bill though the house on the minority part doesn't help either

You also have to have some goals you can agree on. What the Democrats want to do and the Republican want to do have little or no overlap. The thereat of imminent collapse is rhetoric not backed up with real numbers there are problems but it is not impending doom.

I am waiting with baited breath for 2018, Some states like Ohio are going to be fun to watch. The reaction there even to the changes in the clean water act range from mild irritation to obscene rants in opposition.

The tax cuts aimed at the rich are next on the schedule and people are starting to realize that the warm yellow stuff trickling down is not wealth.

Finally I wonder if the Congress critters on the right will come out of hiding in time to run for office? If so will the opposition will let anyone forget how they ran and hid from their own employers, of like Barton told them to "Shut Up".
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
SPC Kevin Ford - "But I guess we don't do bi-partisan work anymore."
Anymore? You have a very short memory.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Capt Jeff S. Certainly neither party is innocent in the current environment of hyper-partisanship.
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