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Responses: 29
SPC Douglas Bolton
COL Mikel J. Burroughs First of all, THIS IS DISGRACEFUL!! I don't usually sound negative here on RP, but this hit hard. We need to do what LCpl Cody Collins is suggesting, and don't stop there. We need to reach out to ALL the soldiers who were discharged, and get them help. This is truly wrong and God bless, Representative Mike Coffman for trying to correct it.
PO1 Ron Clark
PO1 Ron Clark
>1 y
Roger that Sir! To revisit a famous quote which is appropriate here! Some gave all, but all gave some! Sometimes the stress of military live can be overwhelming and lonesome, this is where the problems with depression, alcohol, drugs and such come in to play. They say "Idle hands are the devils workshop", this is true to a certain degree. Idle hands and depression can make you pick up that alcohol or drug problem and take it to another level. Which is why it is so vital for all Veterans to be able to receive treatment for this condition.
LTC Wayne Brandon
LTC Wayne Brandon
>1 y
Well said, Doug!
SSG Edward Tilton
SSG Edward Tilton
>1 y
If they could ""pardon"" those who dodged Vietnam, upgrading the discharges of those who actually served in Iraq or Afghanistan should be a no brainer
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LCpl Cody Collins
Mikel I think a part of the healing process would be to restore and upgrade those discharges. The Spirit of those veterans that gave their all just to get the boot over some minor infraction can really hurt ones pride.
Once those discharges are upgraded to honorable then we can begin to talk about the physical damage and begin to treat that. I know there are a lot of homeless veterans resigning in Phoenix Arizona , one of my co-workers went on vacation to Phoenix and he is a veteran and he was in shock at how many homeless veterans in just wondering in the streets and living in the streets. I hope Donald Trump comes up with a plan to help these veterans. I know this isn't a political problem per se but this is what happens when you have a Democratic president in office the military is not a high priority, but we cannot allow those that went to the front lines to suffer any longer like this. My attitude toward the whole thing is whatever it takes, let's do it !
LCpl Cody Collins
LCpl Cody Collins
>1 y
Everyone knows, the dems are keen on social issues more than military
and the Republicans are more keen on money, business and military readiness, than social programs. No BS. Even the average high school drop out knows this.
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SGM Bill Frazer
This is a crying shame! I have vets from the sandbox that were given less than honorable discharges due to the PTS/TBI problems they incurred, often because of them reacting, but way to often because they were a burden to the command and were felt as in-deployable. Because of their discharges it was an uphill fight to get in the VA system- being tiered in the lower group of qualified Veterans. Lord knows what their inclusion will do to the VA, as there is already staffing problems with mental health in the VA, but these folks NEED the Help, 20-23 suicides per day are UNACCEPTABLE!
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