Posted on Mar 14, 2017
Snoop Dogg shoots clown resembling Trump in new music video
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 7
You said it. The Left has no sense of justice or irony. They are simply so full of themselves, that their view is the only one that is valid and it is gazing down a long, long tunnel.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Did you say anything when you and those of you on RP called Obama anything but his given name? How about the caricatures of Obama as a witch doctor, a voodoo priest, or of him with crosshairs or a noose around his neck?
If you didn't or wouldn't have said anything about the wrongness of that, then you don't get to say anything about this. Your choosing to ignore a standard of courtesy and respect set a new standard.
If you didn't or wouldn't have said anything about the wrongness of that, then you don't get to say anything about this. Your choosing to ignore a standard of courtesy and respect set a new standard.
Did you say anything when those of you on RP called Obama anything but his given name? How about the caricatures of Obama as a witch doctor, a voodoo priest, or of him with crosshairs on his face or a noose around his neck?
If you didn't or wouldn't have said anything about the wrongness of that, then you don't get to say anything about this. Your choosing to ignore a standard of courtesy and respect set a new standard.
If you didn't or wouldn't have said anything about the wrongness of that, then you don't get to say anything about this. Your choosing to ignore a standard of courtesy and respect set a new standard.
CPO (Join to see)
Never saw these in my conservative or liberal circles, they should have been investigated at the least for direct intimidation.... Then again with all the times it has come out that some minority or liberal faked "racism" for attention or to try and paint the conservatives in a bad light I question the authenticity of these. Liberals do not have morals or ethics I have seen them lie to much this last few years.
Memes aside tell me what would have been the liberal response to a Conservative music star doing this towards Obama? Second time iv asked this question.
See we both know the answer, they would have burned America down literally. The person responsible would have been killed before they got near a court to defend their "artistic license" We would hear death threats the FBI would be investigating the Secret service would have bagged and tagged them.. well what was left. After the left would have screamed racism at every white person and demanded they be silenced. That's how the left work. That's the hypocrisy we say this is unacceptable and the left scream it there right, but if the Conservatives invoke those same "rights" they need to be ended, silenced, charged with racism, sexism, bullying, ect ect... Its all one way with liberals well I'm done playing. Every liberal that spouts off crap I am shoving their hypocrisy back down their throats. Iv had enough of playing nice, iv played by the sheep's rules to long, No Longer!!!!
Memes aside tell me what would have been the liberal response to a Conservative music star doing this towards Obama? Second time iv asked this question.
See we both know the answer, they would have burned America down literally. The person responsible would have been killed before they got near a court to defend their "artistic license" We would hear death threats the FBI would be investigating the Secret service would have bagged and tagged them.. well what was left. After the left would have screamed racism at every white person and demanded they be silenced. That's how the left work. That's the hypocrisy we say this is unacceptable and the left scream it there right, but if the Conservatives invoke those same "rights" they need to be ended, silenced, charged with racism, sexism, bullying, ect ect... Its all one way with liberals well I'm done playing. Every liberal that spouts off crap I am shoving their hypocrisy back down their throats. Iv had enough of playing nice, iv played by the sheep's rules to long, No Longer!!!!
SSG Michael Hartsfield
CPO (Join to see) - Really? Well, you'd better pack a lunch 'cause this is an all day job. If you feel so strongly about how "liberals" are tearing our country apart, then what are you doing to counter it other than coming on here pandering for attention? What are you doing to hold everyone accountable to your standard or is it just easier to whine about it on RP because you'd have a ready made audience?
CPO (Join to see)
Me ... I voted for Trump. Thought that was a great start. :-) I also do not tolerate Racism in any form and have corrected several junior sailor on that matter. I treat people with respect and dignity, I volunteer my time speaking with Hospice patients at the local VA. I cant do official politics due to UCMJ regs so i'm tied on that. But I can correct all the lies I see and take a stand, and not look the other way. I do enjoy the personal attack shows i'm getting to you which shows you know i'm right and your arguments are failing. Admit it swallow your pride and admit I'm right. This was unacceptable it doesn't matter what race or political faction you align with this was wrong. If you can not condemn this then they next time someone calls for the assassination of your candidate you don't get the right to say anything.... That's your point wasn't it? Well guess what I condemn it all but this one was the worst. Its your call keep defending what you know is wrong, if it was wrong being done to Obama its wrong to do it to Trump or the next person or the person after that Wrong is Wrong. good luck lol.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
CPO (Join to see) - Well, first you are assuming that I support what Snoop did. I don't agree nor condone with what he did. That's not what's at issue. The issue as it has been lo these past 8 years how so many of you chose to be silent after things like I posted and worse were said about Obama but you are more than happy to make your displeasure known when it's someone you support. Like you said "wrong is wrong." If you aren't willing to call it out when it happens to one person, even if you don't like them, then your silence is affirmation. We are arguing in circles and you aren't willing to see anything past what you believe. You have yourself an Airborne day!
As much as you detest "liberals". It is Trump, his administration, and the GOP that has wrecked this country. Actions are greater than words.
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