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Responses: 7
SFC George Smith
McCain is treading on Thin Ice and is another Part of the GOP Obstructionists Problems...
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
>1 y
"Thin Ice" implies he is in dange, and the orange chicken-hawk does not scare McCain.

What do you think puts McCain in danger?
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
>1 y
I'm with two faced McCain on this issue. POTUS should put up or shut up.
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Edited >1 y ago
PO2 Robert M. - This may be important because it is important for the people of our country to be able have faith in the veracity and good integrity of the most senior government officials (the president and the cabinet) -- where even Breitbart is questioning the veracity and good integrity of the president and his cabinet officers. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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>1 y
PO3 John Wagner - Anyone can be an art critic. Try asking the guy you support not to lie so much during his campaign and first two months in office that no one believes him or his cabinet officers if and when they are not lying. When the public cannot believe in what the president and his senior cabinet officers say - we have a serious crisis in confidence in the credibility, integrity, and legitimacy of the most senior levels of the executive branch of our government. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
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>1 y
PO3 John Wagner - Of course, the president could be doing worse things than tweeting. He could be sending troops to fight in Syria without the invitation and/or permission of the Syrian government - contrary to the Syrian president's orders. Status of forces agreement? Warmest Regards, Sandy :)
PO3 John Wagner
PO3 John Wagner
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala - That one is funny. Thanks for posting it.
SSG Will Phillips
SSG Will Phillips
>1 y
1LT Sandy Annala, We will have to agree to disagree on this one my friend. I have yet to see an article in which the "overall" military does not respect and approve of our current Commander and Chief. True there are senior officers that disagree with his policies, but these are the same senior officers that remain after President Obama's purge of field grade officers that were not inline with his policies. Hope your feeling better my friend! Your buddy Will
Cpl Jeff N.
Edited >1 y ago
McCain has become a small bitter man. He hates Trump because on the way to the top he stepped on him and his sense of self importance. McCain was unable to seal the deal against Obama and never got the brass ring. He failed where Trump, having never served in politics, succeeded. Trump never had to kiss the ring or parts of the human anatomy to get there like McCain did and he still didn't make it. Reality is a very tough teacher Mr. McCain.

Now he knows he is on the way out and he will do as much damage as he can to Trump who refused to kiss his ring or rear end. He cannot stand the disrespect he got somehow thinking he deserved better. McCain was a never Trumper and he lost in so many ways on so many levels the fact that he can still show his mug is a little astounding. Trump knew that McCain and Graham and McConnell and Kasich and Jeb and a host of other insiders were conspiring to defeat him. Well, they lost, he won and now McCain continues to whine, piss, moan and complain. Nothing new under the sun here,.
SSG Will Phillips
SSG Will Phillips
>1 y
Well said CPL. This is one man that I truly do not trust All he seems to care about is his own relevance and for the life of me I do not understand why the good people of Arizona have not retired this man years ago. Thank you for your service senator, however it is time you "But The Fuck Out!"
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