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Responses: 5
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
There are many reasons why a woman or a couple would choose to have an abortion and a civil conversation and/or the need for a woman to speak abour the experience. This is a difficult subject for any woman and instead of attacking, we should be listening.
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
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Cynthia Croft - Politically, I think the politicians need to stay out of it.
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SCPO Weapons Department Enlisted Advisor
It's interesting that you would serve to protect the life and freedoms of some and not others, considering those that are apparently not worth protecting are those that most need it because they cannot protect themselves. Even more so you think that any woman has the right to give and TAKE life with no regard? Very interesting. Casey Anthony must have felt the same way.
LTC David Brown
LTC David Brown
>1 y
Cynthia Croft - of course, but for some on the left there are no limits. Not all health care professionals are ethical. One of the worse cases was Dr. Kermit Gosnel who chased a living aborted baby around a toilet trying to kill it. He truely ran a shop of horrors.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
Cynthia Croft - That statement was not made by a doctor, and he admitted that he was unsure of the procedures in that very unlikely circumstance.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
Cynthia Croft - That is absolutely an option. Fortunately, late-term abortion is illegal with exception to ones that threatens the woman's life (Usually fetal death leading to septicemia). All elective abortions are performed in the first trimester.
SSG Mike Wyche
SSG Mike Wyche
>1 y
As an uninformed male who was adopted, let me just put my two cents in. If abortion was an easy answer to birth control in the 60's and 70's there would not have been as many people here today who were adopted. There are many families out there who cannot conceive a child and would love to adopt. You are taking that choice away too. There are many options available. You seem to want to just take the easiest choice. We as a society have decided that hard choices are not necessary as we can make the easy choice and be done with it. Now I do agree that in the matter of the life of the mother then abortions are acceptable.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
If a woman feels no remorse or regret after having an abortion then that abortion needs to include a Hysterectomy or a lobotomy because she has no business having an ability to reproduce. There are people sitting on death row or in prison for life because they took another human life and felt no remorse or regret. They're called murderers and they were rightfully removed from society. If a woman feels relief as opposed to remorse or regret over taking another human life she belongs in the same place.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - His opinion is that women who choose abortion should also have a hysterectomy and/or a lobotomy. He is also of the opinion that women who have abortions belong in prison. Those are extremist views, and I'm not going to respect that, regardless of gender. Quite frankly, I find it telling that you haven't expressed concern about that.
MSgt Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)
MSgt (Join to see)
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When the government starts forcing medical procedures like sterilizations and forcing women to continue unwated pregnancies that creates a whole lot of second class citizens. To me it is a freedom thing NOT a religious thing. Personally I would not have an abortion but I do not have the right to tell another woman what she can and cannot do with her body. A fetus that is not yet past the time of viability is not a person in my opinion. Your opinion may differ and that is OK since we are allowed to have different opinions. I disagree with SSG Bautista on most everything political because I tend to lean towards conservative on many issues but this is one of the few where we agree. Your post about forced sterilizations makes me wonder what other things you would think would qualify for forced sterilization? Would our founding fathers want to force sterilization on some of our citizens?
Are you going to spy on all pregnant mothers to be to make sure she isn't doing any risky behavior that can harm the fetus? How about if her job is physical? Are you going to demand she can't work during pregnancy? Think about what this type of government over reach could turn us into.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - "Narrow-minded". Lol irony.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
MSgt (Join to see) - I don't think in all of RP history, we have ever agreed on anything. Thank you for your argument.
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