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Responses: 9
LTC Owner
There was a report on Flynn before his resignation that said the FBI had provided taped conversations between him and the Russian ambassador. It would seem that the Trump team had been recorded and the FBI had access to the recordings.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) If true that could mean it was the Russian that was being monitored.
LTC Owner
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Good point, I'm not sure who was being monitored. It will be interesting to see if there is an independent investigator appointed and what that turns up.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
>1 y
If true, it would also mean that to have this information leaked, someone broke a very serious law. Once a US person is identified in recorded conversations collected by a wiretap, every effort has to be made to obfuscate that side of the conversation, unless that individual broke the law. To date, no laws were broken and someone released information captured from a US citizen. The fact that the privacy nuts aren't going crazy right now is very telling. There is a mole in a very high place within the government releasing highly classified / sensitive information and he/she/they need to be rooted out.
LTC Owner
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Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - I went back to find the original post... couldn't but found several saying that the wiretap and intercept had been on the Russian but did discuss Flynn's conversation with him.
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MCPO Roger Collins
As usual, we differ on this issue. All anyone has to do is be honest and ethical, that hasn't been SOP since Comey assumed his appointment as FBI Director. Way too many instances of connections with the CGI and being involved in politics, such as the bogus investigation of James Rosen. Then we have the IRS being used as a political arm of the administration. Right now, I would think Job #1 would be draining the swamp. It's near impossible to govern while Obama sycophants range unimpeded throughout the new administration.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
Honesty hasn't exactly been the strong point of our new POTUS. He's not even honest on the easy to verify things.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
>1 y
I would not drain, I would drown all of them, good riddance.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - All politicians lie. Having said that, the regularity our current POTUS does, even on pedestrian issues that are easily verifyable, is unusual.
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SFC George Smith
too bad there is Little or No trust in his efforts ... after his poor response in efforts to Prosecute HRC and all the attempts to cover Her Turds in the corner of round rooms ... Now he is trying to save face in the eyes of the Liberals and progressives by denying The Trumpster ...
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