Posted on Feb 11, 2017
Tennessee Woman *Shuts Down* a Republican Town Hall About Obamacare with One Epic Question
Edited 8 y ago
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 4
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or UNDER COMPULSION [emphasis mine], for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
If the reason I take care of the less fortunate is because someone and the government force me to be charitable, I am NOT charitable, just compliant. I am unaware of Jesus or a Christian Church advocating that government take the lead in social spending.
If the reason I take care of the less fortunate is because someone and the government force me to be charitable, I am NOT charitable, just compliant. I am unaware of Jesus or a Christian Church advocating that government take the lead in social spending.
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - When I pay my taxes I do not "freely give" the fruits of my labor, they are "taken" under compulsion. I render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's. In return the Caesar gives me peace. If I fail to comply, I am punished. There is no act charity. The paying of taxes is self-serving.
Free will charity demonstrates good, without expectation of recompense or gain. I'll restate "....not reluctantly or UNDER COMPULSION [emphasis mine], for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
If this woman feels the desire to "pull up the fortunate" fine. She should do so. What are you, I, or the state doing to prevent her from doing so? Why does she demand that the government compel the rest of us to do the same? It is self-serving on her part, she does not wish to sacrifice relative wealth in relation to her peers. She forcing her spiritual beliefs and standards upon others and denying them the exercise of their own free will.
Free will charity demonstrates good, without expectation of recompense or gain. I'll restate "....not reluctantly or UNDER COMPULSION [emphasis mine], for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7
If this woman feels the desire to "pull up the fortunate" fine. She should do so. What are you, I, or the state doing to prevent her from doing so? Why does she demand that the government compel the rest of us to do the same? It is self-serving on her part, she does not wish to sacrifice relative wealth in relation to her peers. She forcing her spiritual beliefs and standards upon others and denying them the exercise of their own free will.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Maj John Bell - I'll ask you this. Would or do you give money or time to people that are less fortunate than you? Would you care for them if they were sick, homeless, or destitute? Would you make sure that they were fed or clothed and that if they had children, they were also fed, clothed, and under a roof? Or do you agree that doing that would be a little more than you could or would be willing to handle and you would prefer that someone else do that for you due to the overwhelming number of people that do need some form of assistance?
I agree about one thing. Much of our tax dollars get wasted on stupid crap BUT we aren't supposed to like paying taxes. Also what was "self serving" about what she said? What is self serving about saying what many Christians say they do?
I agree about one thing. Much of our tax dollars get wasted on stupid crap BUT we aren't supposed to like paying taxes. Also what was "self serving" about what she said? What is self serving about saying what many Christians say they do?
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - If you are asking do I practice what I preach, Yes, I do. From my commercial farm operation, I provide meat, dairy, produce, soap, leather gloves, mittens, gaiters to local families in need, under the aegis of a local pastors, priests, etc. group and the local food bank. Our food bank cannot distribute non-produce perishables, so I have a list verified and provided by local religious leaders. Church, Synagogue, or Temple membership or affiliation is not required. The quantities I donate are not minor.
I also participate along with fellow members of the volunteer fire and rescue squad in a firewood bank. We provide about 75-100 face cords of cut and split firewood from trees that fell on phone and power lines or into roads during the previous winter. That firewood is given to those in need that heat with wood, if they run out during the winter.
I also participate in 100-125 emergency runs as a fireman and EMT on the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad.
For people who want to contribute to care for the sick, homeless, or destitute their is no shortage of non-governmental organizations and charities, which are typically much more efficient and less prone to fraud than government programs at any level. For those that do not want to contribute items or time, those organizations are more than happy to take cash. I very strongly feel that the government does not belong in the social safety net field. I believe that because it is there, that is enough justification for many people to not reach out and help their community.
I also participate along with fellow members of the volunteer fire and rescue squad in a firewood bank. We provide about 75-100 face cords of cut and split firewood from trees that fell on phone and power lines or into roads during the previous winter. That firewood is given to those in need that heat with wood, if they run out during the winter.
I also participate in 100-125 emergency runs as a fireman and EMT on the Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad.
For people who want to contribute to care for the sick, homeless, or destitute their is no shortage of non-governmental organizations and charities, which are typically much more efficient and less prone to fraud than government programs at any level. For those that do not want to contribute items or time, those organizations are more than happy to take cash. I very strongly feel that the government does not belong in the social safety net field. I believe that because it is there, that is enough justification for many people to not reach out and help their community.
Well brother, I am a religious person and, meaning no disrespect to you, if you by your own admission are not, it really isn't your place to tell us what "Christianity SHOULD be". A directive toward the U.S. government's policies concerning the distribution and employment of funds withheld from the taxpayers forms no part of Christian doctrine. The Lord was addressing human beings and their charitable actions (or lack thereof) toward each other, as individuals.
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - And where in your citation of John 4:20 is government mandated love of brother or sister implied? When has a government EVER been able to mandate an emotion?
SSG Michael Hartsfield
Maj John Bell WHY should government HAVE to mandate an emotion? Should we doing in because a) the vast majority of religions say we should take care of the less fortunate and b) as members of the human race, the vast majority of us like knowing that others will help us during our time of need. If that is your viewpoint, why do we need government to tell us which bathroom a person should use or what a woman's choice should or shouldn't be?
Maj John Bell
SSG Michael Hartsfield - You are conflating disparate issues. Are we talking about The Affordable Care Act (ACA), LGBTQ Gender issues, or Abortion? For now I will remain focused on the issue at hand, the ACA.
You cited 1 John 4:20 in way that I interpreted as justification for the government to mandate charitable acts. Love is an emotion that is demonstrated through acts. The government can legislate the act. It cannot mandate the emotion. The person who "acts in a charitable manner" because the government requires it, with no love in their heart is not in compliance with God's will. While I as a Christian try my best to make sure that I individually act in accordance with God's will, as an American I respect the accepted premise of "Separation of Church and State." I will not use in my opinion false interpretation of scripture to force others into "acts of Christian Charity". There is no biblical verse that commands the government to take care of the poor. The New Testament is about individual's relationship with God.
I am happy to engage in discussion with you about LGBTQ issues and a woman's choice (I assume you mean abortion rights). I will let you know up front that my argument on either issue will be WITHOUT Biblical justification for my position or assertions. But I will feel free to counter any Biblical arguments you make, where I disagree with your Biblical interpretation.
You cited 1 John 4:20 in way that I interpreted as justification for the government to mandate charitable acts. Love is an emotion that is demonstrated through acts. The government can legislate the act. It cannot mandate the emotion. The person who "acts in a charitable manner" because the government requires it, with no love in their heart is not in compliance with God's will. While I as a Christian try my best to make sure that I individually act in accordance with God's will, as an American I respect the accepted premise of "Separation of Church and State." I will not use in my opinion false interpretation of scripture to force others into "acts of Christian Charity". There is no biblical verse that commands the government to take care of the poor. The New Testament is about individual's relationship with God.
I am happy to engage in discussion with you about LGBTQ issues and a woman's choice (I assume you mean abortion rights). I will let you know up front that my argument on either issue will be WITHOUT Biblical justification for my position or assertions. But I will feel free to counter any Biblical arguments you make, where I disagree with your Biblical interpretation.
I definitely believe in helping people. The strong are supposed to uphold the weak but I know Obamacare is making it hard for people to even survive if there is a way to make a happy medium then I say take it.
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