Posted on Feb 8, 2017
Military brass sound alarm about 'insidious decline' in readiness
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 3
I would have imagined more responses on this issue, but since its not about hating Trump or Transgenders then I get why RP members stand clear. Readiness is not the issue here. Enforcement of the Standards is the Issue, period. I have seen 12 Brigade Commanders visit the National Training Center with their fleet below 90% OR at Day 1. Now, does maintenance get better over time? No it does not. Why? BCT Commanders hold no one's feet to the fire. Example: D-6 at NTC, 1st Cav CG visits his 1st BCT in the box, the unit has 18 NMC M1, 4 NMC M2, 2 NMC M019A6s and of course half the Engineer fleet is deadlined as usual. But look at that firepower. That is is BN(-) of combat power not to mention the number of rounds in calculus to kill targets. I am thinking the CG is about to lay waste to the staff and the Commanders. What did he do. Nothing. He was a Light Infantry Officer. He didn't mind so what message did that pass to the rest of the leaders in 1st Cav?
this is one that can be laid at the feet of BHO and the Progressives and Liberals...
Another part of this story - Industrial Readiness...

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