Posted on Jan 30, 2017
President Donald Trump's Oil Grab Policy Puts US Troops At Risk | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9
I'm Not sure "Mad Cow" Maddow would know the truth or Reality if she was drowning in it...
SFC Dante Alanis
@SSG Ben Woart has proven his bias and ignorance so extremely in the past that anything, and I mean anything he says is guaranteed spin and misinterpretation of what was truly said. This guy hasn't had an original thought nor the capacity to recognize facts since the day he opened his blowhole.
SFC Dante Alanis
SPC Jeff Daley, PhD - @SSG Ben Woart has proven his bias and ignorance so extremely in the past that anything, and I mean anything he says is guaranteed spin and misinterpretation of what was truly said. This guy hasn't had an original thought nor the capacity to recognize facts since the day he opened his blowhole.
SSG (Join to see)
Alanis gets on my posts and hurls insults and thinks I'm just supposed to acquiesce to his bullshit. Nothing he says adds any substance to a discussion. If you don't like what I have to say keep your mouth shut and avoid my posts. It's that simple. Roger?
She is just anther delusional leftist hypocrite. She can't report the news without being bias.
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