Posted on Jan 29, 2017
Trump gives Stephen Bannon National Security Council role
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 9

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1SG(P) (Join to see) - Unbelievably naive, demeaning, and dangerous decision - from the man who claims he supports the intel community and the military one hundred percent. We are not running a newspaper or reality television show here. The President requires extremely smart, knowledgable, experts with decades of experience in national security - not some political hack whose primary focus has been on the shaping of superficial mass media presentations. Sandy
This is one of the reasons I dislike our president. He gives little thought to his own intellectual capabilities and continues to surround himself with yes-men. If he doesn't breakout of his insular bubble and begin trusting the career people in government service we are in for a world of trouble. (as is the rest of the world)
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