Posted on Jan 26, 2017
28 things to remember about Trump’s ‘investigation into voter fraud’
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
Not to derail this, but I am for voter ID, but if a state implements it, they should have a way to allow any registered voter who needs an ID to get one at no cost or no more that what a drivers license would cost.
SPC Erich Guenther
Texas says if you show up at the polls without a photo ID all you need is a believeable verbal explanation to the poll workers revert back to the previous forms of documentation. Most of the poll workers are retired and are not going to give you grief.
Maj John Bell
Michigan issues what is commonly called a walker's ID. It costs $10, less than a driver's license. It is free to anyone 65 years plus. The fee is automatically waived if the person qualifies for any form of government subsistence. My guess is that every other state has a similar offering.
MAJ James Woods
SPC Erich Guenther - Where in TX is that? Know plenty of TX residents that will dispute that comment.
SFC Thomas Butler
It would be illegal to charge ANY amount for ANY part of a voter registration process. Thats a major No Go.
trump is like a magician: He wants you to watch one hand while the other is doing something bad.
PO2 Peter Klein
SP5 Christine Conley - It appears so. I feel he is more interested in stuff like that than serious matters. Plus, it gets people like you and me upset, but behind the scenes he is screwing the country.
The left truely is loony. My favorite is Victoria Rodriquez who claimed she could not vote because she had no one to take her to get a voter ID. Gee how the hell did she manage to find time to fly to D.C and testify before congress yet can't get her happy rear end down to voter registration? Oh never mind.. To bad Bull manure isn't energy, these folks could light up America.

Texas Teen Testifies About Voter ID Law
A Texas teenager said that she would be disenfranchised if the state's new voter ID law takes effect, because she does not have the right documents to comply with the law.
LTC David Brown
The people that flew her to D.C., but could not manage to get her to an ID voter office were!
MAJ James Woods
Obviously an organization paid for the plane or bus ticket since story didn't say how she travelled. I agree, if it was really important for an 18 year old she should've tried harder. It's not like she's elderly or disabled that is dependent on others to help their mobility. But imagine if photo voter registration cards were already part of the process instead of the plain name cards that are issued now; problem solved or student ID cards are allowed and the names on it matches what is in the system that it is being compared to.
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