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Responses: 5
SPC Kevin Ford
Perhaps it's because Trump's "us first and screw everyone else" message of xenophobia sucks rocks?
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
Not my choice of words, but being a daughter of immigrants, one a non-citizen, makes me particularly swear-y.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 y
You got the first part right and assumed the worst (not surprising) about Trump’s attitude. He doesn’t want to screw everyone else. He’s tired of seeing America get screwed over by the rest of the world and all he is asking for is a level playing field for fair trade.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
5 y
SSG Jessica Bautista I’m the grandson of a Russian immigrant and I support Trump’s sensible immigration policy. He’s not anti Immigration, or anti immigrant... he’s married to one! What he’s for is LEGAL immigration. Mexico does not respect our borders or national sovereignty. Their government and economy have become dependent on the money sent home by illegal immigrants. They cross the river thinking they should be able to take jobs and get drivers licenses, yet Mexico will not consider you anything but a criminal if they catch you down there without the proper paperwork. They don’t particularly like us and don’t respect our country. They like our money and are only interested in what they can get from us.
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LTC David Brown
I didn't expect much else! The media had tingles going up their legs over Obama. I also think they are still butt hurt by underestimating Trump and failing to understand how they missed Trump winning!
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There are very interesting articles about the "media". That is certainly a group that are globalist and their news agenda is solidly behind a globalist agenda. That's why some say that local, small bloggers are so successful in reporting news. In a very real way "journalism" is dead. It's much more propaganda that it used to be.

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