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Responses: 2
Col Rebecca Lorraine
I don't think there are many on this sight to comment intelligently on this requirement. I think this is the "hail, Caesar" strategy saying it's not business as usual and damn the torpedos. Political appointees like the cabinet need to be Trump minions. I am always curious how we politically appoint ambassadors that have zero foreign policy experience anyway. My Dad was the charge d'fair during the Yom Kippur war in Cairo. Egypt expelled the Ambassador before attacking Israel. Interesting experience as a teen living in Egypt. Who really cares about diplomats kids?
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I would say leaving these ambassadors in their positions after what they have done, and what they haven’t done over the last 8 years is more risky. Hopefully we will see a return to a time when better statecraft was practiced.
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
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How so and in what manner? It has never been an issue before even when Pres Bush left office
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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People are only as good as they were instructed and/or taught the last 8 years. With the poison BHO has been sending out reciently these people need to be recalled ASAP so more damage can't be done.SGT (Join to see) -
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
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SFC (Join to see) - Interesting
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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Look at the UN vote with regard to Israel and everything else that's been pushed through contrary to the history of our nation's past practices.SGT (Join to see) -
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