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Responses: 13
MSgt James Mullis
I have to say that sick people are healed by doctors and not by an insurance plan. Prior to the ACA uninsured people were being treated. If they went to a hospital, their care was typically written off as charity and most Primary Care Clinics also wrote off about 30% of their care as charity. Also, there have always been "death panels" in insurance company boardrooms and that hasn't changed. However, prior to the ACA when your insurance company refused to treat you, you could appeal to the state insurance board. The ACA removed that level of appeal.

The ACA did greatly increase the number of people on Medicaid and CHIPS. Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't hear anyone talking about kicking people off Medicaid who need it.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - You're trying to read the tea leaves to determine how the first 100 days are going to go, when they're a week away from even starting. Your prerogative, but I think you're just looking for things to complain about at this point.
MAJ James Woods
MAJ James Woods
>1 y
SSgt Christopher Brose - If you cannot attempt to predict the actions of the enemy from things they say, do, their behavior from a far, then how can you plan anything. Watching the behavior, actions, and statements of others to gain incite on possible expectations is what makes us good military leaders and good civilian leaders. I will leave you with that.
SSgt Christopher Brose
SSgt Christopher Brose
>1 y
MAJ James Woods - I think you meant to say "insight", but your post actually makes more sense reading "incite."
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
>1 y
Great comments and discussion. It seems we've been cursed to live in interesting times.
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CPT Jack Durish
Let's stop talking about replacing Obamacare. It's dead. Hell, it was DOA (Dead On Arrival). We should have obeyed the wisdom "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Well, there were many parts of healthcare in America that weren't broken and some that were. Obamacare broke everything. Sadly, there is no guarantee that we can restore that was working before Obamacare broke it let alone those things that were broken. So don't expect to fix everything now. We the People returned to Washington the same people who have already proven that they can't fix it. In other words, we have to fix Washington before we can expect them to fix anything else and we won't have that opportunity until 2018. Yeah, it's really that bad...
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish It was broke before the ACA, and needed to be fixed and it did fix a lot of it, but imperfectly. If it were not for the ACA my friend would be in dire straights today, if not dead. That's the reality full stop. That reality may be politically inconvenient for you but I don't care.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SPC Kevin Ford - Hopefully, one day you'll learn to read before you attack. Until then I see no reason to continue this conversation. Good luck and best wishes to you and your friend.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - I'm sorry you feel that way. you did say "Obamacare broke everything." and that clearly isn't the case. Did you mean to say something else?
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
The key in what you said is the ACA broke everything. Truer works were never spoken. It was designed to make people dependent and then fail so the government would have to offer universal coverage. It failed even a lot sooner that they believed.
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Maj Marty Hogan
I am confused- people not covered under the ACA still get healthcare. It is passed amongst those that support most everything they do from eating to cell phones. It is easy to get the message over non-informed readers as they don't understand what is there. What the ACA did is make them get insurance- or an attempt to do that. I posted numbers the other day- but less than 3% of the 364+ million people in America are/have been affected by this. You do understand the other 97% suffer for it correct? Death panel is fairly strong- I am not arguing health care costs are not out of control, but it really wasn't broken before outside of those parameters. The issue at hand is how we choose to live. Most can't afford it or don't see the need for insurance until they need it. Pre-existing patients still had avenues. The cost to save it do not out weight the cost to scrap it. It would be nice if we could repeal and replace, but the system is broken farther up and down outside of insurance costs.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC Kevin Ford
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - To be clear there is no new plan. There is only talk of a new plan and hope that politicians will keep their word and pass it.

You talk of anecdotal evidence of people who lived under the old system. But we had studied that too. Your chances of bad outcomes without insurance are much greater for numerous reasons. I can find you examples of people who won the lottery too, that doesn't make buying a lottery ticket a good bet. Of course if your lottery ticket doesn't win, you probably are not putting your life or health at risk.
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - I had assumed that is where you were going John and agree- most things the government touches spoil. I am not asking the insurance companies to take a loss either- free market economy is a great system. Again I have providers leaving/ retiring because of Obamacare. To much to lose, to much red tape, to many insurers backing out and the ultimate cost is less all around.
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - Contract-based- hard call and have not seen the bottom line (cash flow type) to give you a legitimate answer. Regulation of the industry could hurt/help depending on direction and focus.

I have heard commercials for groups (normally religious based) putting together co-op type insurance for all enrolled; I am not sure if they had a tremendous amount of seed money or how that works exactly and have not encountered anyone that took part in one.

I believe the future of health care has to reside in the private sector. Will it remains to be seen. I believe one way to control the industry is to regulate out of control cost for R&D recoup, drug costs, etc. I am not sure the government should be that regulator as well- lobbyist for all sides will have a field day here me thinks.

Ultimately as a human being and a moral person I like the idea of universal care, the worker bee side of me that has worked hard to get where I am resents the fact that some can stay home and not be a boon to society and get what I get. That is another subject but part of the same subject. I will throw another question- if repealed how do we put it down and walk away like we were never there?
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
>1 y
PO1 John Crafton - I will not hold my breathe
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