Posted on Jan 12, 2017
‘Enlisted Military’ Named Most Stressful Job In The World
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 5
Working on the Flight Deck during Night Ops. Weather enlisted or Officer is the second most Stressful job in the military. Living on a Submarine is by far the worst
PO3 Aaron Hassay
I was on a FFG 1 small flight deck with this big ass whirl bird helo Night OPS that needs to hit that damn target or everyone is going down...a bit of stress??....I mean the FFG's could pitch at 30% very easily..and we are going to land that Helo.....ummmm i did not know what to call the was a feeling you can not describe when you are like 18 and doing this for the first time..
I served as a Cook/Bakèr in the AF. I did what I was told and did it good. Got my CDCs(career dev. Crse done ahead of time each time did them . I never understood at first about getting punished for doing good. I thought
When I. done good and they gave me
Another project to complete it was they trusted in my ability to perform the assigned task. I did them and gave a
125%. Others commented "why don't you supervise Amn Herrst like you do us? " "because he sticks with it w/o taking a break every 10 or so minutes!."
Shortly after I got assigned 3d cook
(Soup, grab and veg's. . I'd stick with it
and make sure it was done.. clean as I went.. DH Super asked why I wasn't out front on break, told him I was tidying up.. keeping an eye on the cooking. he let me be and went out front and came back with our crew leader and 3 other cooks.. he started to get in their act.. I said I was taking care of it all.. Next meal s'body else would stay back.. Sarge told me to go get my break.. they had it. Later we all had a meeting after lunch was finished.. the DHS wanted me moved to 2d cook if it was ok with
The crew leader. So it was done. One of the other new cooks sho'd been there a couple months longer wasn't happy about it.. Sarge said we'll talk about it later to him... I knew but I'm not saying..
He had some probs.. military wise.. I came in next day and started in on my new position doing the meats.. we had 3 entrees. .. so I had to get cracking .. The Lt. Came back that day.. and we had the kitchen lookkng sharp even though we had a lot going on.. she seemed
Impressed.. and let us know it.. Knutson because your working with a lot happening is no excuse to get sloppy.. I proved a lot more gets done with out a lot of clutter around to have to be moved
When you want to do s'thing like cut things up. You do your project and clean it up. I checked e'thing and went out front., while I was out there s'body tried slipping in the back door... I had fixed the latch.. they ha to ring the buzzer.. the pot washer wouldn't let him in.. he came out and got Sarge.. Sarge went back and it was one of the cooks, it was his day off. He knew the rule that you had to come in the front door. So why'd he come to the back? It 's no use fibbing.. you got to keep fibbing to get out of the last fib. He didn't say anything.. and just sat at the table.. I found out larer another cook was supposed to unlatch the back door. He went out front forgetting. the Cook that was supposed to come in the back was supposed to make a mess in my area. Except he'd been off2 days and didn't know I had a new position. He would have messed another Cook's work area getting them in a bit of trouble.. so it was good that other Cook forgot? To latch the back door.. the alleged trouble maker to be got some extra ojt time. Really.. why make a fellow cook
Look bad? Some people are hard to understand s'times... I think it was jealousy.. prob'ly what it was.. I
Got with him and we had an Amn to Amn
Chat.. (we were both A1Cs.). Isasked him what was his prob was.. we talked and I
Found he had a comprehension prob that was why he was behind on his CDCs.. I was done with mine and had just taken my EOC(got a really high score). His prob was worse than I thought.. I asked him to come with me, we went to Sqdn trading NCO.. he got the Amn into a remedial reading class to help him to not just read better but to comprehend his words.. Be was a good worker and I wanted to see my fellow Airmen move up.. He was continuAlly knocking at my room door to ask questions, just as long as it wasn't too
Late on a work.night.. A big day came
and he was going to take his EOC, them days(early 70s) even vlumes were closed book.. He took his EOC and got a passing score. We went to the Amn's
Canteen and celebrated.. I didn't have to work the next day.. He did... he might of had a slight hangover.. but he had full control of himself.. He was a changed person.. doing. Better.. I got orders.. to
Vietnam.. so I said my goodbyes and got my gear and moved on to my new duty station.. I sent my address so he could write. I wanted to see how much.bettef he would get... I thin I got five letters.. and they got better.. After that I didn't hear any more from him. I asked the DHS what happened to him.. He said the Amn went home to Trenton
NJ, and got robbed and stabbed... What a waste of a promising young life. The
DHS said he was really doing good .. I had to get him a card .. put a letter in it.. I got a answer back from holis sister, his stab wounds were bad and he succombed to an infection two days after my letter got there.. He was buried in the church cemetary by his father. So
Now I felt the need to send a bereavement card, and done that.. Sis wrote back a than you note.. and she told how I had helped him get to be a better Airman. That meant a lot..
When I. done good and they gave me
Another project to complete it was they trusted in my ability to perform the assigned task. I did them and gave a
125%. Others commented "why don't you supervise Amn Herrst like you do us? " "because he sticks with it w/o taking a break every 10 or so minutes!."
Shortly after I got assigned 3d cook
(Soup, grab and veg's. . I'd stick with it
and make sure it was done.. clean as I went.. DH Super asked why I wasn't out front on break, told him I was tidying up.. keeping an eye on the cooking. he let me be and went out front and came back with our crew leader and 3 other cooks.. he started to get in their act.. I said I was taking care of it all.. Next meal s'body else would stay back.. Sarge told me to go get my break.. they had it. Later we all had a meeting after lunch was finished.. the DHS wanted me moved to 2d cook if it was ok with
The crew leader. So it was done. One of the other new cooks sho'd been there a couple months longer wasn't happy about it.. Sarge said we'll talk about it later to him... I knew but I'm not saying..
He had some probs.. military wise.. I came in next day and started in on my new position doing the meats.. we had 3 entrees. .. so I had to get cracking .. The Lt. Came back that day.. and we had the kitchen lookkng sharp even though we had a lot going on.. she seemed
Impressed.. and let us know it.. Knutson because your working with a lot happening is no excuse to get sloppy.. I proved a lot more gets done with out a lot of clutter around to have to be moved
When you want to do s'thing like cut things up. You do your project and clean it up. I checked e'thing and went out front., while I was out there s'body tried slipping in the back door... I had fixed the latch.. they ha to ring the buzzer.. the pot washer wouldn't let him in.. he came out and got Sarge.. Sarge went back and it was one of the cooks, it was his day off. He knew the rule that you had to come in the front door. So why'd he come to the back? It 's no use fibbing.. you got to keep fibbing to get out of the last fib. He didn't say anything.. and just sat at the table.. I found out larer another cook was supposed to unlatch the back door. He went out front forgetting. the Cook that was supposed to come in the back was supposed to make a mess in my area. Except he'd been off2 days and didn't know I had a new position. He would have messed another Cook's work area getting them in a bit of trouble.. so it was good that other Cook forgot? To latch the back door.. the alleged trouble maker to be got some extra ojt time. Really.. why make a fellow cook
Look bad? Some people are hard to understand s'times... I think it was jealousy.. prob'ly what it was.. I
Got with him and we had an Amn to Amn
Chat.. (we were both A1Cs.). Isasked him what was his prob was.. we talked and I
Found he had a comprehension prob that was why he was behind on his CDCs.. I was done with mine and had just taken my EOC(got a really high score). His prob was worse than I thought.. I asked him to come with me, we went to Sqdn trading NCO.. he got the Amn into a remedial reading class to help him to not just read better but to comprehend his words.. Be was a good worker and I wanted to see my fellow Airmen move up.. He was continuAlly knocking at my room door to ask questions, just as long as it wasn't too
Late on a work.night.. A big day came
and he was going to take his EOC, them days(early 70s) even vlumes were closed book.. He took his EOC and got a passing score. We went to the Amn's
Canteen and celebrated.. I didn't have to work the next day.. He did... he might of had a slight hangover.. but he had full control of himself.. He was a changed person.. doing. Better.. I got orders.. to
Vietnam.. so I said my goodbyes and got my gear and moved on to my new duty station.. I sent my address so he could write. I wanted to see how much.bettef he would get... I thin I got five letters.. and they got better.. After that I didn't hear any more from him. I asked the DHS what happened to him.. He said the Amn went home to Trenton
NJ, and got robbed and stabbed... What a waste of a promising young life. The
DHS said he was really doing good .. I had to get him a card .. put a letter in it.. I got a answer back from holis sister, his stab wounds were bad and he succombed to an infection two days after my letter got there.. He was buried in the church cemetary by his father. So
Now I felt the need to send a bereavement card, and done that.. Sis wrote back a than you note.. and she told how I had helped him get to be a better Airman. That meant a lot..
SSgt Boyd Herrst
I don't know where knutson came from...
Dang auto-correct snuck one in and I didn't catch it!).
Dang auto-correct snuck one in and I didn't catch it!).
Sh-----TTT and I have to sit back and explain the VA doctors over and over and over .....why I am on SSDI for anxiety disorder and not working for over a decade below the poverty if the doctors have no idea what is to be 18 not fully developed and getting blasted by stress on a guided missle frigate ffg the smallest navy full blown combat ship at the time...that pitches 30% like no problem...not to mention we were a floating tank ..firing off things called guided missles and other such events...i mean these doctors ummm they were reading college 18....and the administrative types who look over your disability claim. 70% of them are not even veterans..and the other 30% most likely were not on a FFG...but at least the 30% might now a bit of stress of being enlisted 18...
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