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Responses: 10
Cpl Jeff N.
It was good to see some of the press on the carpet for a change. They love to play fast and loose with the facts and during the election some worked actively against Trump. We all know about the collaboration on stories and the passing of debate questions and the very cozy relationship wit the DNC.

Normally, Republicans just accept the bias and think they can win the media (some of them) over by being nice to them. It doesn't work. Some in the press are purely ideological. They use the cover of the press to hide.

I am for a free press like everyone. The founders enshrined it for a reason. With that lofty role comes some responsibility.

They need to be held accountable to play it down the middle and be fair. They have not been doing so and Trump is going to call them out when they do not. Some media organizations need to hold the mirror up to themselves and start making some changes in how they cover, stop the cheerleading for the DNC and act lie professionals.
SSgt Boyd Welch
SSgt Boyd Welch
8 y
I am for a free press also, but we need to get rid of the doctrine of Absence of Malice. The press should be held accountable to the same libel and slander laws as you and I are. "Print it? Prove it!"
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Capt Tom Brown
He kicked the press to the curb, exactly where they belong.
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SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
I am of the finally a press conference (sort of) ... why did he have clapping staffers in the audience, why did all of those folders with "paperwork" stay closed to reporters, why and how did they confuse what buzzfeed put out in telation to cnn? i am still working around the bussiness portion and am happy it was addressed, but there is much to be desired.

all in all it was something, which is better than nothing, but more style than substance overall... oh yeah still no tax returns
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - SGT (Join to see) - I moved to the others to point out your fixation on one person, one party. You have driven Democrats a pass. We can agree that there is corruption on both sides of the aisle, yet where have the overwhelming majority of scandals come from? Have you ever heard of a general election where the Republican candidate received more votes than there were registered voters in their district. You would strain out a gnat and miss the donkey sitting next to you.

Are true to form, you pretend to be objective, make baseless assumptions, attempt to claim the moral high ground, while yet dismissing what you have blindly overlooked.

You are hardly being objective. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Capt Jeff S. - I call it as I see it or as presented either way, good and bad. Because you fixate on the "bad" when it comes to my comments on PE Trump does not mean that is all I do; it just means that is all you choose to point out. Same goes on anything I post.

As I do not see my self as a Dem or a Repub, I can state my objectivity with my head held high.

Again, I refer to my comments about getting to know me above.

As far as where the overwhelming majority if scandals come from- I would cringe to know either way, but accept it as a fact of politics which I am glad that those who have been caught and punished are and the hope that those not caught shall be.

My advice still stands and my offer does as well.

With that said, I cam empathize with you and your feelings, thoughts and outlook and want you to know that I am not without understanding as I have many friends and associates with the same view as yours and those with opposite views as yours. I feel that by listening and understanding both sides makes me a better person overall as I sure learn alot.
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
1 y
Now that you've seen them, are you happy?
PO3 Edward Riddle
PO3 Edward Riddle
1 y
Capt Jeff S. - Hillary has plenty of class all right but it all happens to be low Brother Jeff.
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