Responses: 3
Hmmm. Readnothing about crimes by the team. Just a version of one man's outlook. The high stress of these situations can cause certain actions that although are not the norm, are found to be common place. This piece is all about one man's perception.

Suspended Profile
PO1 Tony Holland - While I do not believe the claims of this specific story, the website is owned by First Look Media (founded by Pierre Omidyar, eBay founder and philanthropist) which is best known for producing Spotlight (award winning film about coverup of abuse by Catholic Church). The management, editorial, and investigative teams have extensive and impressive credentials and accomplishments in mainstream media. The author of this particular piece is a regular contributor of the past six years as an investigative producer for ABC and NBC news. His reconstruction of who did and did not shoot OBL may be interesting to some. Warmest Regards, Sandy :)

Matthew Cole has covered national security since 2005 for U.S. television networks and print outlets. He hasreported extensively ontheCIA’s post-9/11 transformation, including identifying and locating asecret CIA prison in Lithuaniaused to interrogate al Qaeda detainees. Since 2005, Cole has traveled extensively inAfghanistan and Pakistan to cover conflict and investigate U.S. intelligence operations.

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PO1 Tony Holland - Interesting advice about how to securely leak information. Sandy :)

What not to do, what to worry about, and how to contact us without leaving a digital trail back to your real-world identity. Because PGP alone is not enough.
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