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Responses: 13
LCDR Vice President
It is always a partisan issue not about right and wrong, that is what is wrong with politics.
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
>1 y
Nicely put
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SFC George Smith
The Hypocrisy goes Both Ways...
SSG Squad Leader
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That is the sad part about it. Why cant our elected officals play by the rules? They are the ones that make the rules you would think that they would know how to follow them.
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CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
While I like most of Trumps picks I would expect everyone to follow the rules. This is so we don't get any Spring surprises AND shows that the Trump administration is legitimate and earnest in draining the swamp. Mitch needs to stop the partisan bs and do his job.
SSG Squad Leader
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SFC (Join to see) Advice and consent of the Senate. That is the rule now how the Senate goes about giving advice and consent is up to its own rules and they should be followed.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
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SFC (Join to see) - While they are more guidelines than rules (say that like Jack Sparrow lol) many of the picks have not yet completed the customarily required ethics clearances and background checks. They can be confirmed with out them but the point of this background checks is 1 to make sure they are not working for another team. 2 To make sure they are of moral character. 3 So you don't end up with a lemon.

Look at it like this I like Sara Palin she cracks me up, but someone should have fully Vetted her long before they asked her to be a running mate...

While I am a stanch conservative on all financial issues and America First, I have many socially liberal points of view traditional conservatives adamantly disagree with. But the one thing from BOTH sides I will always rail against is Hypocrisy!!! If you wanted it for the left you bloody well do it for the Right. the Rules apply or in this case the guidelines evenly. I wont let the Reps off just because I like the picks.

You are the Standard you accept.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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You have that right SFC Whitfield. SFC Shirley Whitfield -
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
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I don't ever remember any standards except advise and consent, maybe that's because the press never reported on it before. In any case I too believe in what's good for the goose. When I hear stuff like "customary requirements" I start to worry a little bit. Who started the custom? Was it fair? It seems all of a sudden a lot of unelected bureaucrats are trying to have a lot of say that they just don't have the authority for. Just like an executive isn't law, any executive order can be "issues and rescinded" by any president. If a president wanted to have some lasting Legacy they should have passed a law with congress. CPO (Join to see) -
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