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Responses: 3
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
Secretary Robert McDonald is a Tool who has shown total contempt for Vets. If I had that kind of authority and it came to light this kind of blatant malpractice I would be promoting that person and getting them to help me correct it. You build a functional team by listening to your people. Secretary Robert McDonald seems to think silencing them and punishing the innocent is a better way to run the failed VA system.

As a Vet I dread the day I retire and have to deal with this Enemy.
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MAJ Norm Michaels
Our little Colorado Springs clinic was investigated last year by the VA's IG at the direction of our US Congressman Doug Lamborn. Vets kept complaining that it was taking 90+ days to get an appointment, but the clinic kept reporting that every vet got an appointment within 30 days. Well, the VA IG found that their clinic reports were bogus; they lied to make their clinic look artificially good. Was anybody fired? NO! There were given 'training' to teach them NOT TO LIE. What? They might be able to teach INTEGRITY before the fact, although, they should be fired for after the fact lack of integrity. AND what does Secretary Robert McDonald do with managers that fail investigations? He just moves them to another city, another hospital. BAD!
LTC Marc King
LTC Marc King
>1 y
Don't forget the bonuses -- they get bonuses for doing "great" work!
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1stSgt Sergeant Major/First Sergeant
That sucks. I am glad that the Madison Wi VA is not represented like this. It is a class act.
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