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Responses: 3
SPC Safety Technician

But for every police ambush I see, I see two videos of police killing or arresting for no good reason. The crazies in the ranks and in the streets hopefully balance themselves out. Police should be scared. They face danger every day, and are heroic for doing so. Civilians shouldn't be scared of police. Something is definitely wrong with the picture, and it's hurting everyone.

Hopefully police being targeted is reactionary and will decrease as incidents of corrupt policing decreases with increased oversight and regulation.
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SSG Bethany Viglietta
I am an LEO wife. It's crazy how dangerous things have got over here for them. The media has been playing a dangerous game of judgement of the police actions before the evidence comes to light. This way of selling papers has nearly damned the LEOs involved before they even get to be judged by a jury of their peers. Each day my husband goes to work, I worry more now than ever. It's a completely different fear than when being overseas for me. His enemy could come at a traffic stop, domestic dispute, or even an ambush while he's on code eating dinner. One of our deputies was killed just over a year ago and the department finally worried about things like officer rescue and tourniquets for all.
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SFC George Smith
this is a total Travesty and out right sickening...... the Increase also includes Officers of Color and of foreign decent, Not Just the White Officers the Left wants every one to think are responsible for the Problems...
Not many of the Younger crowd remembers the mid to late 70's when there was an open Season on all LEO's and Other First Responders ... It was an Ugly time and there were a lot of Lives Lost across the Board...
This same Beast is raising it's Ugly Head again... and Now, as then, It Only makes things worse...
"The Shoot First and ask Questions later" mentality comes into Play More and More ... and the Other First Responders will respond to a Point, but refuse to go any Further with out "Armed back UP and Support or in some instances... Not at all... "...
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