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Responses: 7
GySgt Melissa Gravila
It took me many years (and a handful of jobs) before I finally can honestly say I can effectively handle my triggers before they get out of control in public. A lot of therapy, ALOT of apologies and tears, endless amounts of soul searching to come to the realization that I am stronger than this- it will not beat me. There are a lot of times on the way home I crank the five finger death punch up as loud as I can and take out my frustrations on the steering wheel! I know tomorrow is another day, there will always be someone who will push my buttons, and I have no control over what they think say or do. What I can control, is how I REACT to what they think say or do.
Jenn Moynihan
Jenn Moynihan
>1 y
Five Finger Death Punch is outstanding therapy. Obviously "Wrong Side of Heaven" but "Anywhere but Here" & their cover of "House of the Rising Sun".

That noted - glad you have found some ways to handle the triggers. There is a version of the serenity prayer that I tell my guys "Grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the person I can, & the wisdom to know it is I". I then reminds them that 95% of what goes on around us we can't do a %#&£damned thing about...as you said we can only change our reaction to what goes on around us and what pushes our buttons.

Take care and glad things are getting better.
Maj Kim Patterson
Maj Kim Patterson
>1 y
Jenn Moynihan gotta love Five Finger Death Punch!
Sgt Ari Maayan
Sgt Ari Maayan
4 y
Thanks for posting your experience with your PTSD. You are not alone. Your experience parallels that of many of us. The conclusion that you reached is also one that many of us PTSD sufferers have thankfully reached. Thanks a million for posting.
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Maj Kim Patterson
Capt Tom Brown excellent article. I am glad you took the time to post this. It supports both my experience as a therapist and as a patient.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
>1 y
I think this may be a good article for the head of the Celebration Recovery group in my church to read and probably use with some of the vets that attend CR.
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SFC George Smith
this is a great study... I hope it works out well for the troops
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