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Responses: 4
1LT Aaron Barr
This is idiotic for several easily understood reasons. The purpose of business is to make money for its owners. Business does this by providing consumers goods and services. Since most businesses are large enough that the owner cannot provide these himself, they seek the productive output of labor to help in creating these goods and services. Both wages and prices are subject to market forces. The minimum price a business can charge is the actual cost of production, of which wages are a part. By that, we can see that a wage is a standard of productivity. Raising the minimum wage does nothing but increase the cost of labor, as well as the minimum standard of productivity needed to be legally employable. In other words, minimum wage is just a nicer way of saying minimum education, experience and skill needed to do this job. This hurts the most the very people those who advocate raising the minimum wage claim to want to help; those who lack the education, experience and skills to make their labor worth the minimum wage. These are the young and those who don't have a good education who are disproportionately poor and minority. The people who will benefit most from this are the guys who design, manufacture, assemble and install the machines that will replace these low skilled workers. They get more than $15/hour because they EARN it, not because of some idiot government dictat.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
Another way of saying it. Still, I don't think that Progressives will understand. Their "good intentions" trump all rational thought
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MSgt Operations Intelligence
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MCPO Roger Collins
Raising the minimum wage and driving benefits without an economic need will result in automation of many jobs. That is happening as we speak. Once this happens, we will be supporting our kids directly out of our pockets. It's an illusion, the ripple effects of raising minimum will create inflationary aspects that will leave those that manage to keep their jobs are financially static.
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