Posted on Dec 13, 2016
Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 13
We saw this in the Minnesota Election that brought us Al Franken to congress as well. More people voted in some of the 'selected counties' for recount than the LIVING population, not just voting age population.
And there are the reports of illegal immigrants being vanned around to vote in multiple precincts being busted with multiple voter registration cards and photo ID.
Yes, Voter Fraud Does exist and it seems to favor one party (D).
And there are the reports of illegal immigrants being vanned around to vote in multiple precincts being busted with multiple voter registration cards and photo ID.
Yes, Voter Fraud Does exist and it seems to favor one party (D).
MSgt James Mullis
I've read stories trying to claim both cases were just negligence. Personally, I don't care if its intentional or incompetence, its voter fraud and there should be mandatory prison sentences for those who commit it. Hopefully DT will put it on his long list of things to fix.
Capt Michael Greene
Neither of you read the story, or you saw what you wanted to see. They found no evidence of fraud, but saw a lot of mistakes made by elections personnel at every level. And the 37% of precincts! Turns out to be about 100 votes out of 2 million. Old machines. Humans miscounting.
Never ascribe to malevolence that which is sufficiently explained by ineptitude.
Never ascribe to malevolence that which is sufficiently explained by ineptitude.
COL William Oseles
In Franken's case when more people vote in a county than the living population that does not sound like ineptitude, unless you are trying to brush it under the rug.
COL William Oseles
When the story's lead paragraph is:
Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during last month’s presidential election, according to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News.
Kinda hard to state ineptitude unless you are a special kind of ineptitude.
Detroit has a problem there and waving it away because it is ONLY 2% of the State Votes says something smells in Wayne County.
Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during last month’s presidential election, according to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News.
Kinda hard to state ineptitude unless you are a special kind of ineptitude.
Detroit has a problem there and waving it away because it is ONLY 2% of the State Votes says something smells in Wayne County.
In another story on the Michigan recount, I read that there was a certified, sealed official ballot box with 301 votes all of them listed for Hillary. When they opened the sealed box, it only held 50 ballots and 11 of them were votes for Trump. While we're all concerned about the presidential election, just think what this kind of voter fraud is doing for the local elections (mayor, city council, judges, etc.). Voter fraud is done at the local and precinct level with the Presidential election being a secondary consideration.
Capt Michael Greene
Interesting. I just tried to find the story you might be referring to. I found hundreds of Right Wing pajama media sites saying that the Michigan recount proved MASSIVE FRAUD BY DEMS!!! But in the regular news media, and one pro-Trump site, and in the official explanation by the elections office of Michigan, they all said no fraud, but a very few votes were counted wrong due to machine or counter errors. Makes me ask this question, please: Could you provide the source of your "another story on the Michigan recount"?
Read the story to understand it—not to validate your predetermined views. Also click on and read the recount report. Remember, they recounted over 2 million of the ballots.
For example: Of Michigan’s 22 counties, they had time to recount 10 of them. About half. In 8 of those counties, the count was over by about 20 votes each. 20 votes. Twenty. In the other 2 counties, the count was under by about 4 votes each, on average. That’s out of over 2 million votes recounted.
75,000 votes didn’t get counted by the scanners at all. The elections director said that’s probably people voting for Sanders as a write-in. But Sanders had not registered, so none of those votes were valid.
They said they saw no evidence to prove fraud. Mostly what they found were mistakes made by elections personnel at every level. And we’re talking 1,2 or 3 votes per precinct—not massive voter fraud like the Right Wing Propaganda Machine wants you to believe.
Sorry, conspiracy lovers. Lots of conservatives, including Trump, were looking for illegal voting in “certain neighborhoods” if you know what that means. Wink. Wink. But it wasn’t there.
(My apologies for calling Trump a conservative—we all know better.)
What this recount proved was that the system isn’t accurate. Machines get old and fail. People miscount. Voters push the buttons, then forget to put the paper in the box before they walk out; or they push the buttons only halfway.
Riddle me this: Besides Trump and his buddy at Breitbart, who in the world would benefit from Americans thinking that our election system was full of fraud?
Here’s a clue: его зовут Vладimir.
After all this time, the Right Wing Propaganda Machine has been doing the work of who???
For example: Of Michigan’s 22 counties, they had time to recount 10 of them. About half. In 8 of those counties, the count was over by about 20 votes each. 20 votes. Twenty. In the other 2 counties, the count was under by about 4 votes each, on average. That’s out of over 2 million votes recounted.
75,000 votes didn’t get counted by the scanners at all. The elections director said that’s probably people voting for Sanders as a write-in. But Sanders had not registered, so none of those votes were valid.
They said they saw no evidence to prove fraud. Mostly what they found were mistakes made by elections personnel at every level. And we’re talking 1,2 or 3 votes per precinct—not massive voter fraud like the Right Wing Propaganda Machine wants you to believe.
Sorry, conspiracy lovers. Lots of conservatives, including Trump, were looking for illegal voting in “certain neighborhoods” if you know what that means. Wink. Wink. But it wasn’t there.
(My apologies for calling Trump a conservative—we all know better.)
What this recount proved was that the system isn’t accurate. Machines get old and fail. People miscount. Voters push the buttons, then forget to put the paper in the box before they walk out; or they push the buttons only halfway.
Riddle me this: Besides Trump and his buddy at Breitbart, who in the world would benefit from Americans thinking that our election system was full of fraud?
Here’s a clue: его зовут Vладimir.
After all this time, the Right Wing Propaganda Machine has been doing the work of who???
MSgt James Mullis
Capt Michael Greene: To answer your riddle: It is the Democrat Minority Party and their lackeys in the liberal press who benefit the most from blaming Russia for President Trump. They want to spend the next four years claiming that President Trump was not legally elected and hope to use it to ensure that a Democrat wins in 2020. In other words its politics as usual. If you can't see that then К сожалению для вас товарищ Greene.
SSG (Join to see)
Seriously why would they even need to cheat in Wayne County? That is overwhelmingly Blue.
Capt Michael Greene
Maj John Bell - Thx. I was reading the report. Perhaps those 22 were a sample for recounting.
MSG Jay Jackson
Just another reason our election system. Reds to be fixed. It's hard to believe that the nation that sent men to the moon and vehicles out of our solar system cannot find the most accurate way to count our votes. :(
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