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Responses: 44
SGT William Howell
Would there not been a letter if Clinton had not broke the law? If there is one person that should be held accountable for Clinton's loss it should be Clinton.
Sgt Bruce C.
Sgt Bruce C.
8 y
SGT William Howellyou I think you are correct, the problem is there are too many high ranking Dems that want to blame someone else, and they don't see that they need to change or stay second team.
SFC Jeff Couch
SFC Jeff Couch
8 y
Maj Marty Hogan - Unfortunately Capt legal and logic are being held in the same light this day and age
SFC Bobby Thompson
SFC Bobby Thompson
8 y
The democrats just presented a poor candidate for president. Hilary has soo much baggage that people would have to try and look past. Also she has been in the public office for a while and like Trump was saying if you have been there that long and noticed these issues why are you just saying something now.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
8 y
SFC Bobby Thompson I agree completely. If the Dems had just put a legit candidate in front of the American people they would be in charge right now. Instead they traded their morals (like they had any) to sell out the election process by supporting Hillary under the table with hopes of a job in her cabinet.

Greed killed this election. Everybody was planning on where they were going to put the desk in their new office, they forgot their candidate was a crooked lying criminal. They actually believed because she was not convicted in a court of law that the American people would think she did nothing wrong. They believed their own BS and it came back to bite them in the ass.

I said this then and I will say it again. If Webb would have run against Trump we would have another democrat in the White House.
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MCPO Roger Collins
So, the self admitted liar has another fabrication for the gullible. It sure wasn't because Hillary was the worst, fatality flawed candidate in history. The only surprise was a plurality of the non-deplorables voted for her. Too bad that isn't the determining factor in presidential elections.
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Cpl Joshua Caldwell
If he thought the letter was bad, imagine what would have happened if the FBI had done their job and indited her. There isn't another human in America who could have done what she did with classified info and not gone to jail for decades. The letter was a watered down version of what should have happened, and it may have opened the eyes of a few, but arresting her, as the law requires would have made it a one sided election ass-kicking.
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
Cpl Joshua Caldwell
8 y
Yeah, iif the press did it's job and explained the seriousness of the offense to the public, she would have been done a long time ago. If I had done half of what she had done I would expect to never see the outside of a jail again. Let alone fun for public office. That entire investigation was a fraud and the FBI will take years to recover from that stain on their reputation.
MSgt James Mullis
MSgt James Mullis
8 y
I'll say it's a good thing they didn't indict her or we'd have a Democrat as the President Elect. This way, come 20 January, 2017 (a day that will live in infamy in Democrat Circles) the Trump - Attorney Generals Office will be free to indict away. That is unless President Obama can come up with a Pardon that is broad enough, maybe he can us Cardinal Richelieu's "It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has done what he has done." No, not even that's not broad enough to protect Hillary and the Clinton Foundation from what they have done.
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
You are right, every single one of us to rallypoint at the same thing she would be in jail sitting next to suicidal idiot traitor Manning Manning. Manning is responsible for sounds of people running horse their lives or be killed at the hands Islamic State Al-Qaeda or Hezbollah
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 y
LTC (Join to see) sorry I didn't check my voice text. PFC traitor Manning releasing all these documents have caused thousands of people to run for their lives. I wouldn't be surprised hundreds if not thousands of them killed because now he's low level confidential information on out which usually indicates a location a name and so on for terrorist to follow up on. PFC Manning is an idiot and he has blood on his hands!
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