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Responses: 7
Sgt Kelli Mays
Edited 8 y ago
SSG Jessica Bautista Yet, still we will NEVER know what the 30,000 emails that were deleted were about. WE just have to take Clinton's word for it.
..........and...many of these emails were CLEARLY classified and the state department still insists that They never gave her permission to have a private server for the state department in her home...which of course HRC says she had permission.

Bottom line is SHE SCREWED up. She put our country at RISK...and no matter how many times SHE ACTS DUMB/STUPID and says "I don't remember."..I WILL NEVER TILL MY DYING DAY BELELIVE a WORD she says.
MSgt Michael Bischoff
MSgt Michael Bischoff
8 y
But yet do you support Petreaus, who physically gave the "Top Serecet" to his girlfriend and putting our nation at risk? If that was you I'm sure you would gotten the same punishment "right". How do you know none of them got into the wrong hands? Because he says so, he admitted he did wrong (so did Clinton by the way) he paid a fine and is on probation. That makes him so much more believable.
Him being a General with years of knowing what not to do makes his offense more egregious. How do we know he hasn't done it before that? Because he was not caught. That is hell of a double standard.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
So if she put our country at risk and yet no one hacked her server, unlike the government servers that were hacked or better yet had some idiot hand over the data; interesting. Fear of what is great Psy Ops.. The reality of secretes is that we don't know them, but the bad people know them, and a few in government know them, but will not tell us. Fear!
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
MSgt Michael Bischoff - The reality is that when it comes to Hillary she is held at higher standards, to which the "What If" based on fears applies. Funny that no one talks about the "What If" of the weapons of mass destruction that was used to justify the Iraq invasion; nor no mentioned about the KIA or wounded there.
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MSG Military Police
Still no word about yoga routines?
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
Nor about her private server being hacked, dam info would have been safer in her private server.
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SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
People wonder how it got so bad on the Middle East? They knew everything we were going to do before most of our own people.
CPT Pedro Meza
CPT Pedro Meza
8 y
People in the middle east all they had to was see the news on what congress was doing, also the crazies in the middle east are not stupid, we stand out no matter where we go. Yet Hillary makes for a great excuse, some one needs to be blamed. I bet she is to blame for the weapons of mass destruction that disappeared from Iraq too, cause no one found them.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
There is enough blame to go around for everyone not just HRC. To my knowledge she is the only one who stored it for them.
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