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Responses: 6
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
I so dislike when politics get involved in environmental decision making pertaining to construction projects. The USACOE had to review and approve this route before construction started. As I just wrote in another post:

If these people want to support a movement because of their political belief: good. If they want to support a movement based on the merits, they may not know what they’re getting into.

When a project like this goes through design they have to evaluate all potential environmental impacts before they start construction. Some things they look at are: hydraulics and hydrology, archeology, threatened and endangered species, vegetation, soils, air quality, wetlands/water bodies, topography, protected areas (like farmlands, graveyards, etc.), and a bunch of other stuff.

When a project is evaluated: potential resources (all the stuff I just mentioned, and more) within the project area are identified and evaluated if they will be affected by the construction. If any construction activities within the project area will affect anything outside the project area, it is also identified. The affected resources will be identified how much they will be affected and for how long of a time. This is performed for all resources identified.

I’ve been following these news stories and it concerns me they don’t discuss any of the items I just mentioned. To me that means these protests are just a political stunt. I would hate to see any good service members get pulled into an argument under false pretenses.
SSG Raymond Tsumpti Jr
SSG Raymond Tsumpti Jr
>1 y
I cannot speak for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, but I know for a fact that an Informational only meeting does not meet the intent of Executive Order 13175 - Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments and the "So Called" public meetings on the issue are not used to Consult with said Tribe on the Proposed project, Niether is the use of an "outside" archaeologist on "UnCeded Indian Lands" per Treaty. The Tribe should have been properly Consulted with and "Full Environment Impact Statement" should have taken place. The lawful use of "Breaking up" the projects into numerous small projects in order to by pass the Environmental Laws for Corporate profits does not meet the goals and intent of the Clean Water Act, NEPA, the NAGPRA, or the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The Corp of Engineers is a Federal Agency that must ABIDE by all Environmental laws, Executive Orders and Faithfully Consult with Native American Treaty Tribes on Ceded and UnCeded or Reservation Lands that have Oral History preserved within the Tribe.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SSG Raymond Tsumpti Jr
It is sad such things have been allowed to fester so long with questions still remaining in the matter of the pipeline north of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. It appears the truth will come out with an EIS being made. This will insure that 106 will be followed. That I couldn’t find any public documents on line that the proposed action was based on is troublesome. No segmentation should have been allowed, and cumulative effects should have been evaluated. It appears a lot still needs to be evaluated to get to the truth here. Usually the truth is somewhere in the middle. I hope besides getting this straightened out, they also determine what went wrong in the original environmental documents, and hold all people accountable that were/are responsible to get it right. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I will be watching what happens in the future with much interest.

It amuses me that they set up a “free speech zone”. I believe our entire country is a “free speech zone”. I wish everyone well where this pain is, and that no one gets hurt. Hopefully we will have a better 2017.

Happy New Year!
SFC Charles Keith
SFC Charles Keith
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - After researching and researching I could not find any information on the tribe being consulted with either, I have a lot of realatives on that reservation so I tend to be biased but I also served my country for 13yrs and still do so I tend to look for facts that may not have been told to everyone also. The only thing I can see is the original route for the pipeline was shot down due to the city voting it out saying it could hurt their water supply (95% white) and the new route was under the Dakota water supply so to say and it was considered a numbers (thing) as in if it did break it would affect less people as in less natives would be affected than others on original route. Now please do not make this a racist comment it is not intended that way at all I am just paraphrasing the information I found on the routes that were proposed and the words used by the locals of each area to describe it so not my words. I do understand our governments position and regulations as I do our native laws and regulations and that they are both in place to protect each other in their own ways to ensure proper procedures and guidelines are followed by both, but I also believe in loop holes and oops I didn't know that's also, either way my heart goes to both but my faith stays with Adoda. But I also could be completely wrong in both statements as only as you said half is released to us by media and even though I have been there too see with my own eyes I will not put that opinion on here.
Thanks for the updates I am following you both to see the information.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
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SFC Charles Keith
Those of us not involved directly in consultations that were made, or should have been made, don’t know what actually transpired, or did not transpire between the parties. SSG Raymond Tsumpti Jr made some excellent observations about permitting in general, but also said he cannot speak for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. I too can’t comment on my personal thoughts. I do watch with interest because it is a topic that interests me. I hope with an EIS being written it will solve all their problems and no one gets hurt. My feelings are with the Standing Rock Sioux People even though I know it doesn’t sound that way sometimes.
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COL David Turk
To be correct, the WH stopped the pipeline using the USACE permitting process. The respective District Engineer had approved the permit. It was rescinded by one of the ASA's. Today's Wall Street Journal, and Politico confirm the WH made the call.
SFC Engineering Consultant/Instructor
SFC (Join to see)
8 y
Bingo! Someone who knows what they're talking about.
COL David Turk
COL David Turk
8 y
SFC (Join to see) - I hope so. I spent enough years with USACE.
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PV2 Combat Engineer
Just wanted to point out... the "facts" that people are aware of for the oil line are false... the line is set for several miles north of the reservation, in addition to that there are already 9 other pipelines further north, if it was really a hazard where were the protests then... the pipeline is set to be placed 90 meters below the riverbed, as per requirements, and is the safest way to transport oil, safer then trains trucks or planes...
1SG Alan Boggs
1SG Alan Boggs
8 y
People don't want to hear facts. They don't have time for facts. The media will tell them what to think and they will do some silly little thing to "show support" so they can go to bed all touchy feely. Let's get back to work, let's build a string economy. I want my children to have jobs that pay the bills, not work at Starbucks or Mc Donalds.
CPT Alexander Grant
CPT Alexander Grant
>1 y
I love how nobody here cares about the massive water source that would potentially affected.
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