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Responses: 6
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
I really don't want to see ANYONE with a Scandal that even closely comes near HRC's in any Position that she held.

Lets be Honest Trump is going to have a hard time enough with the left wing screaming about anything he does, he doesn't need to add in any hypocrisy for them to use. Besides it isn't a good fit for Petraeus. We need a Sec of State who is a Deal maker and can use The Warrior Monk as a stick to get the deal needed.
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Capt Art Williams
He clearly violated classified handling rules in creating and keeping personal highly classified reference materials and then had these notes along on subsequent positions. At his rarified air clearance levels he surely had special accesss and special program accesses that should not have moved job to job. Then to give these books to his mistress without need to know is another major violation. And finally to intentionally attempt to deceive federal investigators to cover up the vilations is more than a serious mistake! Continuing his active clearances would be a travesty a make a mockery of operational security.
2ndLt Student
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8 y
PO1 Chris V. - Yes she did, but we were so quck to say that she was a terrible SOS because of it (which she was), but suddenly a Republican comes into play and his transgressions don't matter even though they're remarkably similar to HRC's. It's hypocrisy at its finest.
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Capt Tom Brown
He'll also have to notify his probation officer each time he goes out of the country. Sounds like a full-time job for a toady. Trump could easily pardon him and be done with it. Some people are ruined by infedility, betrayal, and disclosure of classified information, others rise to the top of the pot for some reason. Seems to be a disconnect here somewhere.
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