Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
, just like General Shinseki was forced out after he inquired what about the after we beat Iraq in 2003 what about the after? Donald Rumsfeld did not want to hear that.
2LT (Join to see)
Sir, I think you're wrong. ---- Shinseki served a full four-year term as Army chief of staff, and did not retire early. Since World War II, no Army chief of staff has served longer than four years.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld decided in April 2002 on who he would tap to succeed Shinseki, according to a Pentagon official, long before Shinseki's troop level comments in 2003. So by the time Shinseki made his comments on troop levels, it was already known that he would not remain in his post beyond his full four-year term. The Bush administration may not have been fond of Shinseki, who was appointed to his post by President Clinton, but it is inaccurate to say that he was forced to retire because of his comments on troop levels in Iraq.----
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld decided in April 2002 on who he would tap to succeed Shinseki, according to a Pentagon official, long before Shinseki's troop level comments in 2003. So by the time Shinseki made his comments on troop levels, it was already known that he would not remain in his post beyond his full four-year term. The Bush administration may not have been fond of Shinseki, who was appointed to his post by President Clinton, but it is inaccurate to say that he was forced to retire because of his comments on troop levels in Iraq.----

CNN.com - CNN Political Unit debate fact check - Oct 9, 2004
Claim: Bush said Kerry cut the intelligence budget by $7.5 billion in the 1990s.
LTC (Join to see)
2LT (Join to see) - and Michael this is more Branch immaterial since you know our ranking material if you got some petty officer 1 or PFC that says I mistaken for this that and the other and it makes sense I'll say sorry, you're right!
“Demonstrate to the world there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
SGT (Join to see) Keith, thank you for posting great quotes from General Mattis. I love that he is going to be Secretary of Defense.
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