Posted on Dec 2, 2016
When will Trump voters realize they’ve been had?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 8
Probably as soon as the democrats accept that he is the President for the next four years.
SPC David S.
If you look at the numbers even the democrats have reservations regarding their own party. Regardless of political party it appears people are losing their faith in the political process. We are not unique however - according to research people around the world are losing faith in their respective governments as well. This is a global phenomenon. There will be a paradigm shift at some point but when and what that means I do not know. Personally I feel that democracy is driving by corruption. Meaning that a governments sole purpose is to create transparency to expose corruption - like no taxing without representation (what are you doing with the money) - and to create efficiency in satisfying the needs of society. However corruption is derived from people - usually greed or power - and as it stands governments require people to administrate them. So now government A is making deals with B, C and D thus tainting the trust within other states. This decline has been going since our founding - Russia's involvement in the American Revolutionary War - violation of Britain’s Navigation Acts however as of late the slope is more pronounced. This trust issue crosses political party lines. The result is questioning and challenging those in power - so I don't see the lacking of scrutiny by either side more so people from both sides will be waiting at the gates with pitchforks and torches.
The Long Decline of Trust in Government, and Why That Can Be Patriotic
Faith in all kinds of institutions has been falling for decades, even as transparency has increased.
I don't know about any one else But I'm going to give him a chance... I gave BHO a Chance...
... You forget about 1/2 of the trump supporters were not voting FOR Him They were voting Against HRC and the continued Failing Policies She an BHO had in Place...
... You forget about 1/2 of the trump supporters were not voting FOR Him They were voting Against HRC and the continued Failing Policies She an BHO had in Place...
SSG Jessica Bautista
That's fair, and you're right. I do forget that a lot of people voted against Hillary rather than for Donald.
I would lose faith in Trump if he placed a liberal on the Supreme Court. Other than that, I also voted against Hillary.
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