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Responses: 3
LTC Self Employed
This is going to be pretty hard to stop especially after the protester had her arm literally ripped in half and she was crippled by a flashbang grenade that will maybe give her partial use of her arms if your arm is not amputated. Showing up with mraps and Sonic sound machines isn't helping matters much. It's comparing Selma Alabama with the fire hoses of the black protesters in the sixties showing the fire hoses spraying protest in the middle of the night when it's 25 degrees out isn't helping the local government at all. These water protectors and others are probably having been manipulated by the Greenpeace green people so you will have to reroute it around the Missouri River or something because you're not going to give up. They would rather deal with a pipeline not being built and it being put on rail cars like it is in Canada will have mass of oil spills instead caused by train wrecks.
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LTC Self Employed
It's going to be pretty hard to do when you have a congresswoman from Hawaii who's also a major in the reserves and Democrat think she's going to show up to protest is going to get an incentive for many veterans to show up.
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SFC George Smith
This is a situation that has the Potential to over flow and become violent
some of the intel reports say there are federal personnel being dispatched to the area ... the same ones that were in Oregon last winter, that got one person Killed/murdered...
It appears this is going to turn into another Wounded Knee ...
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