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Responses: 9
LTC Owner
a suppressor or silencer is almost required for hunting in some European countries. It is certainly a move in the right direction.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Keep in mind these are firearm ACCESSORIES, not firearms. Should they really be regulated like firearms? Let alone like Machine Guns? (Tax Stamp Requirement)

The current requirement is overly burdensome on the law abiding citizen without providing any actual benefit to the public or the government. Additionally, if someone wants to suppress noise... they can. "Splitting" the regulation to more accurately reflect deal with the intent of the law (however misguided) is a good move.
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Save money AND your hearing!!
Alan K.
Alan K.
8 y
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Alan K. - Nothing free... my hearing is worth at least one tax stamp.
Alan K.
Alan K.
8 y
MAJ (Anonymous) - Here's the thing. My firearms dealer said something very true.......Once you have one suppressed, you'll want them all. He was spot on. and then It starts to get expensive...!!!
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8 y
Alan K. - Haha! One day I hope to have that problem! I can see how that could happen...

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