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Responses: 41
CPT Executive Officer
The Green Party is obviously allied with Senator Clinton. Why not review Maine, New Hampshire, Minnesota and Nevada? They are all Senator Clinton victories and only about 100,000 difference in those four states. They would never settle for unity, the politics starts for 2020.
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
8 y
Were I Trumps go to guy, I'd be asking for a recount of every state she won
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - Good idea, but the politician who wants the recount has to PAY for the recount. How many think Mrs. Clinton or Jill would pay for the recount? Jill could have used these fund for her election, instead, uses them after the election...
CPT Executive Officer
CPT (Join to see)
8 y
The challenge in on the hundreds of municipalities. They have a R & D voter of Registrar. Typically a part time position and they are spent after an election. If the votes come in wrong they get big fines. So now your going to make them go through the motions to recount. I know they are disgusted and tired after a Presidential. It's possible the 4 million will go for all their wages.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
8 y
SGM Erik Marquez - Now there's a good idea.
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SSG Program Control Manager
The Trump campaign should be taking part in the recount as well, everyone has a vested interest in ensuring no one was able to tamper or alter the vote.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
8 y
I'd think all sides would be represented if they care about the legitimacy of the effort. It's harder to condemn it if you participate in it though. It also gives wiggle room if any surprises are found to say the recount was rigged. I don't expect any surprises and just want them to get done and put it behind us. The media and opposition are going to be all over him for his term regardless of what he says or does anyway. I had to laugh when I read that Trump claims popular vote victory also because of all the illegal votes. How can his campaign claim illegal voting and not want to prove otherwise? He will learn in time and I hope soon for the good of the Nation. I'll support him because that's what is expected of us as citizens and remain optimistic for the future because it makes more sense than complaining and resisting. They need to close his twitter account and be more careful with press releases though, if he ever expects to be taken seriously.
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Sgt Kelli Mays
CPT (Join to see) Hillary does not have any INTEGRITY...you know she's hopping mad...Steam is spewing out of every one of her orifices. You know she and her entourage is behind this recount....There is no reason for Jill Stein to demand a recount...she is NOT a democrat and we already know she doesn't like Clinton....and we also know that if the VERY FEW people who voted for her, didn't vote for her, that some of those votes may have gone to Hillary and it could be possible that Hillary could have won....SO what the HECK?!?!?! Someone in the Hillary camp got to her and got her to do this NONE SENSE....probably paying her a MILLION under the table. Her reasoning for demanding this re count seriously makes no sense what so ever....Hardly NO one voted for her...so she's obviously doing this for Clinton because they have probably promised her some HIGH position if she gets the votes turned around....and No I am not a conspiracy nut...I am just a person who believe CLINTON IS A VERY VERY EVIL PERSON.
PFC Jim Mills
PFC Jim Mills
8 y
I completely agree with what your saying and it makes perfect sense
SSgt Ray Stone
SSgt Ray Stone
8 y
Yes evil, but lesser than Trump a man who ran his campaign on racism, misogyny and zenophobia
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