Posted on Nov 23, 2016
Andrew Coyne: How a carbon tax without the U.S. can work for Canada
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
I'm all for saving the planet...because life on Mars is not in the near future and for now Earth is the only place we have. It's inevitable that as population grows and finite resources dwindle we will have to think outside the box. Besides damage to the environment we can reasonably expect wars over resources. We likely have already begun to with the oil grab in Persian Gulf. Water will become equally important for agriculture, manufacturing, and consumption so we need to be mindful of that also. I'm not a climate denier. The ice is definitely melting too fast and in time coastal areas will be underwater. The climate here is not like it was when I grew up here. We used to don sweaters in the fall and could expect several months of snow and cold. In recent years we have been in short sleeves on Christmas, so something's going on. It's also much hotter in summer. I believe 2016 set a record again as hottest year ever and that's a trend in past years. The solution of choice for politicians has been to tax things that cause monies to be spent on the effects. Cigarettes were 25 cents a pack here in the 60's. Gas was about the same per gallon. So we tax all of societies evils : smokes, liquor, and now even sodas in some places. What's next, Mother's milk, because some study says it causes cancer? I'm not well-versed on carbon tax but imagine the accountants for corporations have found a way to make it work to their advantage, same as everything else. I don't know the solution but wish I did.
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I have a 1966 Mustang Gt 4 barrel that gives me a headache with fumes m I also own a 2015 Dodge Challenger SXT plus with a 305 hp V6 that get 28 mpg highway and put out 10% of the Mustang emissions. No matter what we are using technology for mitigation of pollution.
this is nothing more than another governmental sham to grab money from the tax payers
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Maunder Minimum Petri Dish of Political Change | Armstrong Economics
The global warming pseudo-scientists are desperately trying to keep their funding. Now these con artists are trying to claim that that the oceans’ surface water
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