Posted on Nov 21, 2016
Hazleton Area High School Veterans Day Speech
Edited >1 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 15
Most important take away - "You push each other. You pick each other up." Now is the time to start picking up.
Thanks COL Mikel J. Burroughs for taking the time to mention and quote LTC Jim Tighe's Veterans day speech at Hazleton Area High School.
Thanks to Jim for mentioning Capt. Andrew Byers, Sgt. SFC Ryan Gloyer, SSG Mathew Lewellen, SSG Kevin McEnroe and SSG James Moriarty who died in the service of this Nation while in the uniform of the United States Army.
Thanks to Jim for mentioning Capt. Andrew Byers, Sgt. SFC Ryan Gloyer, SSG Mathew Lewellen, SSG Kevin McEnroe and SSG James Moriarty who died in the service of this Nation while in the uniform of the United States Army.
An excellent speech. I wanted to know more about what that teacher said to his wife that inspire him to accept the invitation.
That such a small percentage of the population today has actually served is a huge factor in the hidden "disdain" he speaks of. And too many so-called educators perceive our military as a cause of war, not ever stopping to reason that those on the front lines are the last to take it lightly. Not all educators, but too many...and they polute young minds.
Just my two cents. Excellent speech. Great insight shared.
That such a small percentage of the population today has actually served is a huge factor in the hidden "disdain" he speaks of. And too many so-called educators perceive our military as a cause of war, not ever stopping to reason that those on the front lines are the last to take it lightly. Not all educators, but too many...and they polute young minds.
Just my two cents. Excellent speech. Great insight shared.
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