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Responses: 11
Cpl Jeff N.
Can you name me one recent president that had as many real, actual business interests as Trump? He has been a businessman his entire life. Most politicians have been politicians their entire life. They make a living off the government teat. There is little to separate for them. HRC for example, hasn't held a real job or owned a company most of her life, certainly not in the last 25 years. Perhaps all the way back to Arkansas.

Most politicians need only ensure their investments go into a blind trust so they do not know where their money is invested so their decisions are not swayed. Trump has lots of big buildings with his name on the, you know, real businesses.

He will need to create distance between him and his corporate interests and his team of lawyers will need to ensure that happens. Remember, he isn't the president yet.

Hamilton needs to be careful. The last time he got into it with a VP (Aaron Burr) he was killed in a duel.

By the way, we were never a democracy, only a Republic and guess what, we still are.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - What exactly does this support Michael? I read it, but it states propaganda. Trying to follow the train of thought
Cpl Jeff N.
Cpl Jeff N.
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista Your posts don't substantiate anything. They are merely more whining and innuendo with no real proof. He will have to find ways to disconnect himself from a multi billion dollar business. Not easy to do in two weeks. His business, with his name (TRUMP) will go on/forward and there is no getting around that reality. He will need to be able to demonstrate his kids are not receiving special consideration etc by foreign governments in the management and development of the business. Not impossible to do.

The press, as we already know, will not give him fair coverage about anything much less this topic. We can expect the hand wringing to begin immediately on January 21. The same media that refuses to take the Clinton's to task on their "foundation".

What we know the Clintons have already done is far worse. Taking money to their "foundation" (slush fund) and granting access to the government. That is how politicians do it. They sell and favors from us, the taxpayers. You seem to be 100% okay with Clinton taking money from regimes that oppress women, gays and those of other religions to the point they can be put to death. Your hypocrisy on this topic is so thick it can be cut with a knife.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Cpl Jeff N. - And you seem to forget that Hillary is irrelevant, as she isn't President-elect. It isn't innuendo. It's actually happening. His brand has been hurt so badly, he has to change the name. His kids are already getting special treatment. Ivanka, who he chose to run his business, is already sitting in on meetings with foreign leaders. The fact that you choose to ignore all this just makes you a hypocrite.
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Capt Judith Galloway
He's not stupid. Wait until he is inaugurated to criticize.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - He won't even try, who are you kidding?
PO3 Ricky Foster
PO3 Ricky Foster
8 y
I swear you 2 want him to fail to so you can gloat. Ever stop and think what success would mean.
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
It's not about gloating PO3 Ricky Foster. It's about him thinking he can run our nation like one of his businesses and not having the slightest clue on how to do it. He was the one that say he could do everything better and now we are seeing that it couldn't be farther from reality
PO3 Ricky Foster
PO3 Ricky Foster
8 y
SSG Michael Hartsfield - We have also seen Trump come to realize that. You may not like his every cabinet choice, but he is surrounding himself with people who know the job. I hate Obama, always have yet I still prayed for him to be a good president. If we don't pray and support the President then we become the problem.
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SPC Kevin Ford
I think what is humorous about this, in a sad type of way, is we are watching one of the oldest sales tricks in the book play out. He gives away something comparatively inconsequential like his annual salary and with that giveaway many people are less likely to question what he charges on the back end. He gives away $400k in salary a year and for that he gets an huge amount of people who will look at that and ignore that he will likely channel tens of millions of taxpayer money into businesses he owns. Even better, many of those people will now work for him on social media trying to get others to ignore what he is doing. A great $400K/year investment to fool people who don't understand sales techniques.

It's smart, but as I say sad to watch it work.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
My brain committed seppuku a dozen times this morning.. I can't accept this.
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