Posted on Nov 18, 2016
Since Yesterday: The 1930s in America, September 3, 1929-September 3, 1939
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
World War II actually helped us get out of the Great Depression the Lend-Lease Act and the mobilization of US forces a year actually 6 months before Pearl Harbor when the Army National Guard and Army Reserve were all put on one your orders helped us get ready and got us out of the depression
LTC (Join to see)
Sgt Wayne Wood - I get it but depression they have the Conservation Corps they put people to work yesterday u.s. government wanted it but they build Hoover Dam they built a whole bunch of Tennessee Valley Authority projects things to get the country going again I don't want to The Institute price supports some milk in a few other things but it's slowly helped. It is true the government does things way more expensive them the the private sector
Sgt Wayne Wood
Just out of curiosity, why don't we do that now? We have plenty of infrastructure projects, and plenty of unemployed (9.8% U5? U6?) why not put 'em to work? Add in the welfare & General Assistance folks as well?
LTC (Join to see)
Sgt Wayne Wood - it's about time we do that it's going to take some time and Eisenhower did in the fifties or he built the interstate highway system and part to help us with mobilisation. I guess he learned the Germans built the Autobahn and that way he was able to move his division's anywhere outside of Germany or with in Germany. I can wait 20 years to go to Mars. We can do things to mitigate global warming without giving and environmentalism spending billions I mean just think how clean our cars are compared to my 1966 Mustang without a smog pump and now we have Clean Coal available we have nuclear energy available and if Harry Reid goes away maybe we can put all that nuclear waste inside that 15 billion dollar nuclear repository that Democrats don't want to use. You're right we can find a bunch of projects to help with bringing the country that we can to make sure that they're not engaged with the mafia is not involved like what happened was involved in New York was involved in Canada to make sure that there's best price best value contractors just like what I had to deal with it and we don't want the cheapest we want the best quality One for the Money.
Sgt Wayne Wood
We always had clean coal until Bill Clinton turned the largest deposits into a National Monument. Global warming is BS but i do agree with the strides in clean air/water
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