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Responses: 11
MGySgt James Forward
I also disagree with changing/lowering any physical standard. Basic military folks need to the basic physical fitness level for their respective Service. So I perform 100% of my duties sitting at a desk, and another person is Infantry. Yes, no brainer the guy sitting in front of the computer does not need the same level of physical strength to execute his job, however he does have to meet the same Service level standard. Let's say I have a leg that is 2" shorter then my right so I have a disability, this disqualifies me from military service as it limits my ability to perform just about any military task required for combat. not to mention running, carrying heavy weight, humping a pack. I don't see this getting changed any time soon because it would create two separate classes of active duties folks. Semper Fi.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Semper Fi MGySgt James Forward. Another great reply to a complex post. Thank You.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
Also if in an emergency the guy sitting at a desk may still need the strength and stamina to perform other duties. Not everything is predicable. If He can't do those things He may as well not even be there !
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MAJ Surgical Nurse
So when you find yourself in combat you can just call timeout and say your not ready. I don't think so, standards are standards for a reason they apply to everyone.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
I can't say I ever did that MAJ (Join to see). I never had time to call timeout, or I'm not ready. I was trained Infantry combat for a reason, and I flew door gunner in which I was always tested. You're completely correct.
MAJ Contracting Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
8 y
Civilians with no PT standard are regularly found in combat. A PT standard that is reflective of your job criteria would not significantly deter the force. It would alleviate the idea that if you don't fit the mold you are out. Particularly it would affect promotions based on capacity to do your job rather than just your capacity to run.
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SGT Philip Roncari
The Marines have a standard "every man a rifleman" (I know they are basically an assault force,shock troops) but if you read Military history as much as I have since a teenager really,history has shown you have to have fit personnel because your enemies are going to find your weakest position and the people responsible for accomplishing this mission will not be weak believe me.
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