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Responses: 39
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Come on... First, this article needs to do some serious research. As an example, Trump never jacked up prices for his hotels to his campaign staff. Instead of allowing them to stay for free (which he wanted), he was required by law to charge them the market price (which he did, at the lowest rate possible).

The man is trying to refuse his $400K/year salary as well. It may be a dime in the bucket for the federal government, but it does speak to setting a good example. Let the man actually take office and execute a policy before you pile on for God's sake.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Sgt Gus Laskaris - Well, there is some truth to that. However, the article actually states that Trump is nowhere near comparable to Hitler, as Hitler was considerably worse. To compare Trump to Hitler is a grave disservice to the victims of the Holocaust.
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
8 y
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin - not your comments. Everyone around you. No one has anything to say about this vitriol over misunderstanding. Hundreds of comments and no one can say a thing, but I post memes and get lectured for professionalism. I didn't mean to imply that you were hateful.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
Sgt Gus Laskaris - You win RP for the day.
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
Maj Kevin "Mac" McLaughlin
8 y
Once again, campaign laws require the campaigns to pay the businesses they use for their events. They are not allowed to receive discounts or freebies, due to those laws and the contribution limitations. Trump used his own hotels (which is a business) because, well, they're his hotels/venues, his staff has all the connections and control, and there are no laws against doing this. He was also forced to pay the market value for the locations to stay in compliance with those laws. He's already come out and stated he would have charged the campaign nothing if he could legally do so. Instead he charged the lowest market value he could. Still the media just could not resist and criticize. Few of the venues even mentioned the Trump campaign position on the issue. They just pushed big headlines stating things like "Trump Campaign Paid his Own Business $8.2M".
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SSG Military Police Instructor
I hadn't realized that I was a racist. That will come as a surprise to my Instructors that certified me for Equal Opportunity Leader. Hmmm. Please stop and actually THINK before you spout off or post such drivel.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SGT Company Rto
SGT (Join to see)
8 y
Lol what?!!! Look I understand y'all may not have liked her post, but turning around and being disrespectful because of her views is not the right answer and it makes you look sorry. SFC Jack S. -

And PO2 William Allen Crowder why do you assume she got booted out with on no honorable standards? Like I said before you may not agree with her views and that's fine she has her views her opinions, but attack her service and what she's done for this country like rest of you it's petty. We are all adults here so let's act like it. Because of what you said I'm not going to attack what you have done for this country. Try again gentlemen.

SSG Jessica Bautista I'm sorry that you can't express your opinions and your views w/o being disrespected. We have freedom of speech, but can't express what we believe in.
SSG Military Police Instructor
SSG (Join to see)
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - I don't believe that I showed any " disrespect " to her. I believe that I attempted to show her that what she was saying was every bit as intolerant and ignorant as what she claimed to dislike. Is it ever ok to make general assumptions about a people group? A race? A religion? I don't believe it is. Some people find that a difficult concept.
I don't expect anyone to like being told they are guilty of what they blame others for.

But I also will not apologize for it.

Have a great day! Thanks for adding to the discussion
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
SGT (Join to see) - She flat-out used a racial epithet referencing me. Evidently the color of my skin deserves me being called a 'marshmallow'. Imagine the outrage if I used Asian racial references on her? I'd be run out of town. She lost all credibility and moral high ground when she did that. Factor in the trolling nature of every one of her posts, and she's little more than a race-baiting agitator.
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Capt Retired
Frankly, it is time to stop this crap.

He will soon be president. No president can succeed alone.

Perhaps he will turn out to be a great president, perhaps he won't.

If when he is president he does things not in the best interest of the nation fire away. But, preemptive based on fear being spread by those with political agendas serves no good whatever.
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
8 y
I have learned that when one has a political cause to pursue the first step is to make somebody or something the enemy.

When I see that happening I usually turn off to what is being said. In this article much time was being spend to make Trump the enemy and I then quit reading.
Mike Jay
Mike Jay
8 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - Uhh...fear monger much??????
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
8 y
I read the entire article and its pretty clear what the authors extreme position was, that came through loud and clear ! I have no idea at this point how good or bad a President Donald Trump will be, He hasn't assumed the office yet. We won't know that until a certain amount of time has passed. The extreme reactions to many including riot, destroying property and other unlawful and disgusting conduct after an election process produced one victor, that is what elections are supposed to do. It appears from the reception from the sitting President Obama it will be a smooth transition between himself and the President elect Donald Trump. Perhaps some of these wining, crying, babies should follow that example and pull together with the rest of us ! Never mind what political party You followed, We are all Americans !
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
8 y
Capt hoe fervent were you calls for Unity when the Birthers and bigots were stack president Obama for eight years, or is unity only called for when the fascist wins?
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