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Responses: 3
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Out of curiosity, what makes you think that this website, or others like it, are necessarily "cesspits for sex offenders and other deviants"?

Aren't these websites set up by and for consenting adults to do consenting adult things? Why should that form of "entertainment" and speech be any less protected than any other form?
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8 y
Sex offenders are specifically prohibited from using these sites by the providers themselves and usually as terms of parole/probation. All they do is change a birth date, not provide a photo and voila - they can mo longer be found by tracking algorithms or facial recognition programs.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
8 y
(Join to see) - That can be said for any website. Blaming dating sites or saying they are "cesspools for sex offenders and deviants" is like saying Ebay is a cesspool for thieves because they can buy and sell goods.

Bad people are going to do bad things - and they will adapt whatever platform is available to do so. That doesn't make the platform culpable for that behavior.
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SPC Kevin Ford
Outside the type of site this is, it is another example of the soft targets in the US in terms of cyber security. It suddenly becomes a lot less funny when they hack T.J. Max. The US had better harden up their security, and do it fast.

This is also why I'm with Apple not adding back doors into their devices. They probably have a hard enough time trying to stay ahead of state sanctioned hacker groups without making it easier.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Definitely Tests Your Belief in the 1st Amendment. I'm with You I kind of want to go "So What, Serves the Sick Bastards Right"
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
8 y
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel What makes people who use this site "sick bastards" exactly?
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