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Responses: 9
SGT Lou Meza
We won't know for awhile . He could end up being the worst president in history , or not . If things start going south in the country because of his policies then his supporters will be first to complain . His opponents will be the ones saying l told you so . I wish him well just like I wished Obama well . He is our President-elect and deserves our support . The election is over time to move on .
SSgt Robert Simonds
SSgt Robert Simonds
4 mo
The last he was the best in history and I expect the same this time.
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SPC Phil Norton
Russia let it sink in Hillary picked a fight with Russia! While we have been dismantling our military they were building superior tanks.. You say nooo, but it true they have tanks that are turret less with guided rounds. Also the tanks have a defense system that destroys incoming rockets before they get close to the tank not to mention there nuclear advancement. And Hillary wanted to pick a fight. Russia has stated that they look forward to working with Trump like Trump said wouldn't it be better if we could have peace with Russia, and they say is he going to start WWIII. They must still be thinking about what would happen if Hillary won
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PO1 Brian Austin
We survived Carter, Bush II and Obama. I have a sneaking hunch we'll survive Trump.
Though his term can have ramifications (good or bad) for decades based on how many Supreme Court judges he appoints during his term.
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