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Responses: 7
Maj Marty Hogan
I can't get to your website- it is blocked and will try to get on it from home. Good on you for helping other brothers and sisters out SSG Eric Burleson
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SFC William Stephens
Good morning I wish my server here at work would let me view your post but I would like to add my 2 cents, One thing I tried talking with a Active duty CSM is that resume writing is not being taught in the Senior level NCOES schools at first so we are screwing our troops from the start, I've been working on my resume since 2007 and I still got a long way to go but I landed a pretty good gig. Two TAPS and ACAPS is teaching us crap, either way where did they get the people to teach these classes volunteers. Are you active duty or have you retired from service, tell me what is was like to develop a resume with out any guidance? oh did I forget cover letter as well, Your talking to combat arms guy because there are a lot of NCOs and senior Officer who don't have a clue on resume writing, so before you come on pointing out problems with resume, lets teach our veterans how to write them first, I know what the hiring managers are looking for because I've been though the loops and still trying to find the right security job that I fit into. Sorry to sound like a jerk but I really wish I could view you write up of your article. Some reason the firewall is up today and it is not letting me in. First time. Try again.

SSG Eric Burleson
SSG Eric Burleson
8 y
Great feedback. It's all a work in progress, and yes, cover letter writing is also incredibly important.
I'm sorry you aren't able to view the post. I can send a word doc to you if need be.
I have a ton of materials I've used to help lots of other vets to transition. 8 transitioned after 8 years active duty, and it was no cakewalk. I went to business school and got a lot of really high-end coaching that I then applied to my peers and buddies as they were separating to great success. Now I'm writing a book focused on whole life transition and giving away much of my career-specific knowledge through blog posts and ebooks.
SSG Eric Burleson
SSG Eric Burleson
8 y
You don't sound like a jerk at all, for what it's worth. You are trying to help another vet just like I am, and in so doing are likely to help many more by showing me where something's missing. I'm grateful for that.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 8 y ago
On the resume length advice. Yes that is good for most recently discharged veterans but if you have over 15 years of experience and the employer is looking for someone with over 10 years in experience..........you need to be at least 2 pages, over 2 is probably excessive and I agree 3-5 is ridiculous.
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