Posted on Nov 5, 2016
Convicted leaker Chelsea Manning made second suicide attempt, lawyers say
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 16
Manning should never have been allowed in the service. Should never have graduated training. Should never have been given so much responsibility. Manning was fu'd at birth, fu'd in childhood, fu'd in the Army, and fu'd in Iraq. Every step of the way, a doctor or a senior NCO knew she was fu'd. As much as I know she's responsible for her own crimes, I also know she needs big-time psych care, not prison.
Capt Michael Greene
2LT (Join to see) - I understand exactly what you're saying, but that sounds pretty old school to me. I rather expect the newer research is more correct, that a tiny minority of humans have a chromosomal and chemical make-up that results in mismatched expressions of the external sex and internal gender. In any case, the instantiation of depression and suicide is more likely attributed to the individual being rejected by family, peers, and society. Also, I don't see any "delusion" in being transgender. All the TG people I have known (admittedly very few) seem to be quite good and strong people, forced to live quietly like they were Jews in 1938 Germany.
Seems to me that it is religious people who insist on treating TG people as freaks to be cured. If you want to see a serious delusion, start with them.
Seems to me that it is religious people who insist on treating TG people as freaks to be cured. If you want to see a serious delusion, start with them.
2LT (Join to see)
SSG Jessica Bautista - I am just telling you the medical position of many psych and surg services at hospitals. There was an interesting cohort about your point sir. They carried out a prospective study that followed TGs who lived their whole lives as the opposite sex and none of their contacts knew and compared them to regular people and TGs who had people in their social circles that knew their true identity. Turned out that no difference in depression or suicide of stat significance between the 2x TG pops. And they do need a lot of treatment/person on psych service compared to other types of patient. Not seeing them for CBT, meds, or counselling would be detrimental to their health. I appreciate the discourse and your points. Spent 3 days learning about this in med school. Figured I might as well put the 2cents in.
Capt Michael Greene
2LT (Join to see) - I appreciate you told me your source. Now I'm in a quandary, because I like to be polite and encouraging to younger folks, so let me assure you I'm not "pulling rank" or lording my superiority over you. Ha ha! Having said all that, my source is not medical school--I don't have the brains to pass the entrance exam. Instead, my source is a combination of my wife (RIP), who was a Family Practice doctor for 20 years, my TG son, who inspired me to do as much research on the topic as possible, and the lucky chance that I knew several TG individuals during my 20 years in the service. Now I interact with TG people from time to time and also speak with doctors and counselors who work with them. In short, I've moved from my 1966 position (kill all fags) to my 2016 position (together, we can do what's best for everyone). I've no doubt that plenty of TG people (not "TGs") need MH services and even meds. But frankly, I think at least half the folks here on RP probably need ECT! :) Smiles. And thanks for the discussion.
2LT (Join to see)
Capt Michael Greene -I don't feel that way at all about your response. I like the idea of hearing more about it or I wouldn't engage! It is a point of friction bc there isn't a solution - here take a hormone or go to surg. And anything in medicine needs a solution ya know? interesting to not think about a solution for sure. It will also be interesting to see what happens in 20 years and look back on where it came from and went. hahah that's awesome. Family practice takes a certain person that's for sure. I knew 1 TG and there were so many problems- small sample and not related. Everyone gets judged on an individual basis by their own merits not as a group- agreed. Can you believe ECT still goes on? It has great results for somethings. Not overused like 50 years ago though. Thanks for keeping me jacked about my studies. It gets boring in the books all the time. Have a great night sir.
Nobody should be in such a terrible situation hat they resort to suicide, so I hope she gets the help she needs. I am ashamed that actual service members and veterans on here are wishing she would kill herself. As to her gender, she is female and deserves her medically necessary care.
Now that I got the lovey-dovey stuff out of the way, she is a traitor and a terrible person who deserves every single day that she has been sentenced to serve. She also shows signs of mental illness (not for being transgender, but for the depression, suicide attempts, and many other problems adjusting to prison life), and really needs the mental help.
She does not represent transgender people in the military just like she doesn't represent every service member, and she should be exalted by nobody as any sort of a role model. She is a disgrace to the military and the LGBT community. I wish she didn't get publicity every time she sneezes because she is legitimately making things worse for the rest of us.
Now that I got the lovey-dovey stuff out of the way, she is a traitor and a terrible person who deserves every single day that she has been sentenced to serve. She also shows signs of mental illness (not for being transgender, but for the depression, suicide attempts, and many other problems adjusting to prison life), and really needs the mental help.
She does not represent transgender people in the military just like she doesn't represent every service member, and she should be exalted by nobody as any sort of a role model. She is a disgrace to the military and the LGBT community. I wish she didn't get publicity every time she sneezes because she is legitimately making things worse for the rest of us.
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