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Responses: 10
SGT Ben Keen
Edited 8 y ago
I have to say, I'm with you on this. And this isn't a black v white issue, it's a person v person issue. The moment one person puts another person's live at risk, that first person assumes the risk that he/she may meet the same end. Look at it from how things are down range. We went into Iraq to remove someone from power. His friends and supporters did not want that. They tried everything they could to stop us, we did everything we could to stop them from stopping us. We put other lives at risk and assumed the responsibility that the cost of our actions could result in the same outcome. Does it suck that some feels that they must steal to put clothes on their back? Sure does. But it also sucks that I would be judged if I used my SW MP9C to stop them from taking stuff I worked very hard to get.
SGM Steve Wettstein
SGM Steve Wettstein
8 y
SGT Ben Keen Great points Ben.
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MSG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
I really loved the part where she inquired about the employees position at Pizza Hut as it relates to him carrying a gun. Lol Classic!!!
MSG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - is that an actual question?
MSG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
PO1 Chris V. - There's less cops on the route depicted lol
MSG Special Forces Senior Sergeant
MSG (Join to see)
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - Well, I wasn't there for the interview, so I don't know. You seem to be bursting at the seams with knowledge I don't have though. Do enlighten us please Frank.
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SrA Chris "Shadow" McGee
Any family member that tries to downplay the crime that was being committed so they can point a finger at the person defending property and other lives lives in a fantasy world. I also read that second example you discussed, and it just shows how out of touch today's youth are, when they think if they want it or need it they are entitled to it at any cost. Guess what? If you try and rob me at work, at home or on the street, and threaten me with a weapon, you will be shot. I may be nice and give you a chance to run away, but that will depend on how close to me you already are. But I am not going top become a victim for anyone just because they have grown up to think the world revolves around them. Get off your ass and get a job, get an education and get an even better job. Don't be 29 years old, "fallen on hard times" (no job) and expect you can take what you need from someone else, because sooner or later you will run into someone that was raised right, and will challenge your feelings of entitlement with their own feelings of earning, responsibility and protection.
SrA Chris "Shadow" McGee
SrA Chris "Shadow" McGee
8 y
TSgt Frank Shirley - ok, first off no need to be yelling. Second, there is no way to deflect blame if the person wasn't in the wrong to begin with. There is no way to rationalize that your son or daughter was in the right committing armed robbery and that the other person in fear for their life fired first. And the second example we were discussing, the ignorance was blatant. "How do you expect him to buy his things" ...get a job like the rest of us.
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