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Responses: 3
COL Lee Flemming
Great article, the individual that gets us out of this mess will probably be declared a Saint!
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SGT David Baker
Looks like people got smart about the true nature of compromise.

"Look, I know you're allergic to this. It's like poison to you. But seriously, work with us and just have a little taste. It won't hurt you that much."

"We need to talk about this. So sit down, shut up, listen, and obey."

Eventually those who hear things like this-- D's hearing it from R's or R's hearing it from D's-- say "no, I will eat none of that stuff, nor will I sit by and let you say and do as you please, and for certain I will not help you accomplish your aims!"
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SFC George Smith
Over the last 60 years the Progressives Socialists and Communists have emerged in US politics and become mainstream ...

The Massive Push for Globalization ...Open Borders and a One World Governance and other Anti polarizing ideals such as Climate Change and the Destruction of christianity has picked Up momentum...

Thanks to the Teachings and Ideals from all the Liberal Collages and Universities that have Pushed these Ideals on the children of America... They have shattered the Ethics, Morals and Fundamentals of Honesty and Decency and Morality...

Now we have the Protesters and problem Children of the 60s and 70s now sitting in the Houses Of congress... There in lays the great divide...
The ruminants of the old school Patriotism and Pride in ones country and the Morality and Decency... and the Modern elements of Globalization, Socialization, Guilt and Entitlements...
SSG Michael Hartsfield
SSG Michael Hartsfield
8 y
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