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Responses: 10
CPT Jack Durish
More evidence that the Department of Injustice is politicized. We don't need it. In fact we're only too aware of the fact. It's time to stop talking about it and start doing something about it
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
8 y
CPT Jack Durish Where was congress to open an investigation of the FBI? Oh there was a bunch of lip service, but it died. Next year there would have been a "investigation" and it would have been snowballed like Benghazi.

I have no doubts this investigation was interfered by Obama. Quacks like a duck...., but we are talking about an article that only uses sources that can not be confirmed. We have a due diligence to be able to verify information and make a sound decision based on that. If we don't then we are no better that those idiots who think Clinton is being picked on by the GOP. They work on feelings not facts. Custer had a feeling that he was going to whip the shit out of those indians. You know where that got him...dead.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
8 y
SGT William Howell - "Where was Congress..."? That's the point of this article and weblogs like mine. We're attempting to force Congress into doing their jobs. That's how politics works, through pressure. The court of public opinion has no rules of evidence. You speak like you expect it to work like a court of law. It can't. The President has his "Bully Pulpit". We have our votes and our voices warn politicians of where those votes might land. So, either get on board and apply pressure or stay out of the way. Unless, of course, you are attempting to defend the government or Hillary or some other politician. Remember, we swore to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution, not the government and not any elected official, especially those who are behaving as domestic enemies of the Constitution.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
8 y
CPT Jack Durish I understand pressuring congress to to their job, but you can't walk into your congressman's office with no information or no way to validate it and expect them to do something. Trust, but verify. This article is one step from fiction. Now if there was one name, just one, then there is a possible witness to a crime. The only thing I am trying to defend is common sense. Mine says that if there are no names than it might not be true. In case you are not aware political reporters have no morals or values in this day and age. They only wish to push an agenda.
SGT William Howell
SGT William Howell
8 y
PO1 John Crafton There is nothing wrong with anonymous sources from creditable reporters. Unfortunately, there are no longer any of those. While it may be something to take a harder look at it is not something that I would take a gospel. I am sure that Wiki has something they are going to drop the hammer on in the next couple days and this may fall into line with that. It is just conjecture at this point.

Thanks for understanding where I am coming from. CPT Jack Durish is a great guy and we normally are on the same side of the court. we can agree to disagree on this one.
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COL Commanding Officer
Say it ain't so. An apolitical Justice Department such as this one? No, I just refuse to believe it.
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MCPO Roger Collins
An opportunity for Comey to redeem himself.
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