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Responses: 4
COL Randall C.
Heck ... I remember the junior enlisted driving BMWs around while I tooled around in my Plymouth Reliant K-car (hey .. it got me from point A to point B). Of course, the ones that did were spending about 70%-80% of their paycheck on a car payment.

Manage their money? They didn't learn then an I doubt they would learn now unless someone forced them to sit down and shoved it down their throat. Of course, that's basically what I did with new Soldiers - office call with the old man and one of the topics was planning financially for the future.
CPO David R. D.
CPO David R. D.
>1 y
We had our yearly financial training, but it seemed like what finally got the attention of the troops, was when they got into trouble and needed help. I remember several referrals for Sailors to visit the base financial counselors, who were "professionals" and had additional resources. It also seemed like the ones that did well, were those that received training early in life, before ever coming into the Navy. Says a lot about parents teaching life skills in the home.
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CPT Richard Trione
Not holding my breath on that...
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CPO David R. D.
I only mention the CFS training, because I can remember how Sailors would get themselves into financial trouble because they had a steady paycheck, but didn't know how to manage it correctly. There were a few who were financial rock stars and had zero debt, but still had really nice things.
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