Posted on Feb 9, 2019
2020 Democrats jump to endorse Green New Deal despite spending hundreds of thousands on air...
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 14
LTC (Join to see)
Those same Democrats don't care about the world situation report which is way more dire than this climate change BS. The biggest existential threats come from North Korea, China, Russia and Iran possibly taking on the USA concerning South Korea, the South China Sea, the Baltic States who joined NATO and Russia wants them back or the situation where China invades Taiwan or Iran threatens Israel with nuclear annihilation. Russia and China are ahead of us and intermediate-range missile development and Iran is attempting to build a nuclear bomb and that's why the US pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal. We have Russia battling with and invading the rest of the Ukraine. Those naive Democrats are looking at the wrong problem. It's the green mentality in Germany that had caused them to only have 11 functional fighter-bombers, no functioning submarines and one third of their tanks that were non-mission capable. It's a screen mentality that will screw us up. The socialism that is now creeping into the American psyche has been up here in Canada for years and it has been a disaster with the carbon taxes and Other Extreme issues that are raising my gas bills by $39 a month during the winter time and my Gasoline by $0.20 a gallon and it's supposed to increase by 500% in the next 5 years. The utilities at Ontario to have gone all green has now utility rates that are three times the national average in the u.s. and Canada. This is what we have to look forward to if you believe Exxon and the oil companies along with the Socialist Democrats who want to raise your taxes and who want to promise that you will get rebates equal to what you spend extra yet it is a total lie!
But think of all the votes this plank in their party platform will garner...
LTC (Join to see)
Yes, they have a platform that they can't produce from. This will help the naive and uninformed want to save the Earth and join their party. Their concept has appeals to the naive, the simpletons but those who read Popular Science, Popular Mechanics and the Smithsonian Magazine will know different. Those who watch the Kardashians, who read People magazine, hello, weekly world news and other celebrity trash magazines will be suckered into this flawed concept. Scientists, engineers and those with some intellect will know that this is total BS.
CPT Jack Durish TSgt Joe C. SPC Mark Huddleston Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth COL Robert Grierson SPC Chase Laux MCPO Roger Collins
CPT Jack Durish TSgt Joe C. SPC Mark Huddleston Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth COL Robert Grierson SPC Chase Laux MCPO Roger Collins
CPT Jack Durish
LTC (Join to see) - Don't forget the indoctrinated. Imagine "scientists", recent graduates of our hallowed halls of education, indoctrinated, not educated. They will use the weight of their BS's, MS's, and PhD's to legitimize the man-made climate change theory
LTC (Join to see)
Tucker Carlson Vs Climatologist Judith Curry who quit over insanity in field of climate science
Tucker Carlson Vs Climatologist Judith Curry who quit over insanity in field of climate science Connect with me on twitter at: @TheEchoChamber_ https://twitt...
CPT Jack Durish you know I don't forget because I'm always talking about this scam and now La Loca Congressmen Ocasio Cortez says it is not enough. Some call Judith Curry a climate heretic by the leftist scientific community.
TSgt Joe C. COL Robert Grierson TSgt Joe C. SPC Mark Huddleston COL Robert Grierson SPC Chase Laux
TSgt Joe C. COL Robert Grierson TSgt Joe C. SPC Mark Huddleston COL Robert Grierson SPC Chase Laux
You know the Green New deal can't get passed with PayGo… If you have to fund the bill before you pass it then the house won't hear it....
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